Jason Fischer – Cartoon World

Jason Fischer does so many things it’s easier to list what he doesn’t do…. Aromatherapy, Archery, Architecture, … actually, it’s probably is easier to list what he does do.

The Portland based artist / illustrator / curator is a strange mixture of Russell Brand, Stan Lee and Charles Bukowski. He draws some pretty cool stuff, and then he colo(u)rs it in.

Just don’t ask him to cook you dinner…

Jason Fischer

Did you have any formal training as an artist?
Besides taking art in high school, it’s all been self-teaching and practice fueled by studying those that came before me and those who blow me away today. It’s phenomenal how much talent and beauty exists around us; if you pay attention, work hard and have an open mind, you’ll certainly grow. I’ve been trying to follow this mindset for a few years, I think it works.

I fully support the scholastic path as well; if you’re looking for direction or help to hone your skills it’s a good consideration.

I’ve toured a couple of schools and I came pretty close to attending, but ultimately I chose to figure things out on my own. Well, they lost me at the tuition fees and I was too lazy to apply for scholarships/grants. Moving to Portland and joining an art gallery became my college, in a way.

Jason FischerWho inspired you to start drawing?
My mom and my family has always been supportive of my work, they even enjoy my recent step into doing monster porn comics! I’ve always been encouraged by my family and friends. My aunt Wendie worked as an animator with Disney when I was a kid.

That immediate source of inspiration made it’s mark; she took me to the studio a few times and brought me to private company premieres. I was over at my grandparent’s house a lot when I was very young and my grandpa’s den became my hangout.

He had his comic books and comic paraphernalia all about the room, including old toys and trinkets from Popeye to Mickey Mouse, Dick Tracy to Buck Rogers.. all this fascinated me.

His treasures included a book called Comix: a History of Comic Books in America. I would flip through it often and always land on the Underground Comics section; this section focused on Robert Crumb and Zap Comix and the illustrations captivated and frightened me, equally. I also had my action figures and Nintendo kept in this room; they also inspired me to draw. I would pause my games and trace the monsters, placing my paper over the TV screen.

Years later, I would meet Greg Khmara in high school. We bonded over anime and manga, mainly Akira, and it turned out that he wanted to write comics and I wanted to draw them. We would work together on the weekends and attend San Diego Comic Con with our portfolio of comic pages. We’ve been working together on and off ever since, with most of our work occurring over the last couple years after we moved from southern California to Portland, Oregon.

Besides Greg’s inspiration, my friend Corey Lewis made a big impression to me. Meeting him at the Alternative Press Expo (or APE) in 2005 inspired me to get my work out for people to enjoy, to share my art online and create comics to sell at conventions were the first goals. I began exhibiting at APE 2006.

Jason Fischer

What is it like inside your brain?
That’s a fluctuating answer. Lately, it’s filled with scenes of my sexy monster guys and girls dancing around all sweaty to the music of Metro Area. Sometimes I see these gods locked in earth-shattering fights. Often times I play out the imagery from more important dreams and nightmares.. when I’m hungry I only see a big, juicy burger.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.