In the coming months Flush the Fashion will feature events, news and interviews with the worlds top poker players. First to feature in our ‘two minute heads up’ is Kathy Liebert, the first woman to win a tournament with a first prize of $1,000,000 or more.
Kathy’s career began in Colorado working the Casino’s as a ‘prop’ player but arrived on the poker scene big time by winning the Party Poker Million event in 2002. Since then she has consistently cashed at poker tournaments worldwide. FACT She has won more money playing live poker tournaments than ANY women in poker history.
Now a full time Vegas resident, Kathy has many strings to her bow, ok so let’s shuffle up and deal…
What is your favourite poker game?
No Limit Texas Holdem.
Favourite hole card combination?
77 is my lucky hand.
What has been your favourite win?
Finishing first is always rewarding (or winning over 300K). I run well on east coast Borgata and Foxwoods have been good to me.
What is an average day for you? Do you play online?
I am usually in a poker tournament all day every day. Yes, sometimes.
What would you do if you didn’t play poker?
I would probably be a financial advisor.
Favourite group / music
I love classic rock, my favourite band of all time is Pink Floyd, I would love to see them reform.
My favourite album is Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’.
Where is the best food in Vegas?
Kokomos in the Mirage is a great place to eat.
What do you think of the new breed of internet players, players like Annette Obrestad?
Many of them are very aggressive, it makes them very tough to play against.
Kathy is a blue belt at Karate, is that good?
It’s not bad, it’s two steps up from white, 3 steps below black.
Kathy is also a big stockmarket trader – Do you have any good Stockmarket tips for us at the moment?
It’s risky but there are big potential returns if you are lucky. The stock market can be volatile, in a way it is just like poker tournaments, I guess thats part of the appeal.
Are you on Twitter?
Yes, when I can. (you can follow Kathy here).
Do you have any Poker advice or tips for players.
Play solid but be aggressive.
Flush the Fashion Poker Nights
Our first game is on on Tuesday February 1st at 9PM GMT.
The Tournament is totally free to enter but there are only seats for 100 players. We have added $50 to the prize money so no-one is going to become a millionaire (but you won’t lose anything either). If you’re up for a friendly game and don’t know who the fish is either, give us your details and we’ll make sure you get the password first.
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