Shoot The Image – A Moment In Time

For a band without proper management or a proper record deal Shoot The Image have been doing a pretty good job of getting their music about the place. They have 2 lead singers, are based in Toronto and have ambitious plans for their debut record (just released).

We spoke to Erin (an Urban planner by day) about their plans for world domination and late night bites…

shoot the image

How did you come to work with Morrissey’s guitarist Boz Boorer?
We originally contacted Boz on MySpace. We were completely floored when he actually responded. We exchanged emails about various bands for the next year until an acoustic show was booked at London’s 12 Bar Club. Boz and his wife Lyn showed up and after a few pints, an offer was made to record at Serra Vista Studios in Portugal.

What was he like to work with in the studio?
Boz is an amazing producer and an incredible guy. He brought the best out in Shoot the Image and was very innovative with ideas and leading the songs in new directions. At the same time, he’s very open to everyone’s input. He also has a wicked sense of humor!

Did you have fun recording the record in Portugal?
It was a life changing experience. The studio is located deep in the Monchique Mountains. There’s no Internet or cell phone service. It’s literally a paradise. We left not only a better band, but also more focused and determined. A highlight was a trip to Lisbon! Boz was invited by Portuguese band ‘Murdering Tripping Blues’ to play Saxophone at their CD release party. It was a blast!

Did you have the album written before you went there?
The album was written over the winter of 2010 and the songs really took shape at Serra Vista however when we left for Portugal, Shoot the Image only existed inside a MacBook Pro.

The time-lapse video for Lithograph is amazing were you involved in the ideas behind it?
The entire concept for ‘Lithograph’ was conceived by Vancouver director Olaf Blomerus. He brought in cinematographer Jessie Blight for the project.

Alan Cross is a leading music industry guru in Canada. ( He posted a link on Twitter to the video ‘Running Ink’ by Toronto band Crimes in Paris. We loved it so much we contacted Olaf the next day and made plans to fly him out to Toronto. We sent him the full album and the song he picked was ‘Lithograph’.

Whose idea was it to shoot 10 videos for the record?
We decided to challenge ourselves and release ten videos before Christmas. It’s only because we’ve invested in film & editing gear that we can make this possible. We taught ourselves how to shoot and edit. At the time the gear was purchased we had no idea it would actually become useful in a band scenario.

Do you have all the ideas for them yet?
The concepts are ready. We’re going to average a video every few weeks.

Shoot The ImageDo you have any plans to do more gigs in the UK?
Our dream is to tour the album in the UK. We’re working on building momentum on line right now. . We’ll play in the GTA for now but touring blindly doesn’t make a lot of sense to us. The plan is to build a team first. That being said all we long for is life on the road

Did you play at NXNE? If not did you see any gigs there?
No, but did see two amazing bands. Fast Romantics and Secret Broadcast. Both shows were unreal.

Do you prefer the freedom of releasing your records independently?
Shoot the Image needs a solid management company first over a record company. Then perhaps we’d be ready for a label. We’re not massive fans of being totally independent. We do have a killer entertainment lawyer though. That’s a start.

Whom would you love to support on tour?
Blonde Redhead. Morrissey, Interpol. Yeah Yeah Yeah’s. Phantogram. Doves. The Kills. Metric. Janelle Monae. The Killers. The Hundred in the Hands.

What’s planned for the rest of the year?
Rehearse. Rehearse. Rehearse. Videos. Write. Record an EP. We’ve already started writing the sophomore album. We’re excited to head back to Serra Vista Studios to record again with Boz in late 2012.

It’s 4 am in Toronto, where is the best place to go?
Lakeview Diner (Get the Poutine). Fast Romantic’s patio for an after party.

Sounds great! I love Poutine!

For more info check out the bands website and blog

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.