The Hics have been receiving a fair bit of attention recently and it’s easy to [read more...]
Advance Base is the music moniker of Owen Ashworth, who recorded as Casiotone for the [read more...]
Metal icons? They don’t come much more iconic than Anthrax’s diminutive guitar hero. Axe in [read more...]
As soon as I heard the opening chords of 'Solid Ground' (below) and it's gospel-flavored [read more...]
They promised lots of dancing and they delivered more. After three and a half years, [read more...]
IT’S AWESOME! The fact that they have girl underpants in a vending machine for drunk [read more...]
This album has already sparked a lot of interest in the band, they seem to [read more...]
Five albums into a fairly niche career it is perhaps surprising Hot Chip aren't bored [read more...]
The Dandy Warhols have come along way from their humble beginnings eighteen years ago in [read more...]
North Atlantic Oscillation's new record Electric Fog is one of my favourites of the year [read more...]
I could have asked ACE Miami band The Jacuzzi Boys lots of questions about philosophy [read more...]
There are some songs that are so irritatingly annoying you only have to listen it [read more...]
Lee Ranaldo – founding member of Sonic Youth and 33rd greatest guitarist of all time [read more...]
Martyn Coppack goes to see New Jersey band, The Static Jacks in Manchester and catches [read more...]