Hey Sholay: Bear-Boned

Flush the Fashion interviews are conducted in a number of ways. On the back of a tour bus, learjets, hot air balloons, through the magic of video calls and telephones. Sometimes we send some questions via email and they send them back.

Hey Sholay

That is what happened when we did this interview with Hey Sholay. In an attempt to be witty and funny the band re-wrote the some of the questions I sent them and answered them accordingly.

Let’s just say as hilarious as it may have been to them at the time, a career in stand-up comedy is probably not as high on their list as a Supermodel girlfriend and a HotTub (time machine) in the garden.

Luckily they’re an ACE band. Their song ‘Wishbone’ glistens through the speakers with the exuberant confidence of early Coldplay and UK Radio support (from the DJ’s who actually like music), and a growing reputation live have made them one to watch in 2012.

If they are good enough for the legendary talent sniffing nostrils of Fierce Panda records, they are good enough for me. (Here are questions they answered that made any sense!)

hey sholayHow long have you been together?
On a cellular level – between 21 and 25 years each. Though every cell in the human body replaces itself every 7 years approx… so we may be a maximum age of six (does this have a correlation with hayfever?). On a sub-sub-atomic level (smaller than Glutons) – billions of years. As musicians – approx. two years.

Where any of you in bands before Hey Sholay?
All of this band has had previous projects of many different types and pulling in different directions. However all became tributaries to this singular one. All were wonderful growing experiences, ranging from medieval Oud music to grind-core to field recordings. Song-writing is the new challenge.

Do you prefer praying live and touring or do you prefer the recording studio?
We do love the recording studio for a totally different reason, that being we can finish songs properly. It’s difficult to be objective about something that needs to be listened to when you have a disconnection.

How do you go about writing a song, do you have a main songwriter or are things jammed around?
Things grow naturally with us. An initial idea or melody will be brought in bare – and elements are placed over the top, and balanced. It’s like sonic Jenga. Or Connect Four. But there is five of us. And we need batteries. So perhaps the boardgame analogies are void. Unless it’s ‘operation’ perhaps. Yes, we are like organs that buzz if removed.

hey sholay interview

Have you finished recording the EP for Fierce Panda, if so does it have a title?
We have yes – but we aren’t going to tell you the title I’m afraid – spoils the surprise doesn’t it? Like cake before dinner.

Where was it recorded?
2Fly studios in Sheffield for the music. With Producer Dave Sanderson. A palace of noise that is built upon the sturdy foundation of morning vitamin B supplements. Other natural habitats were documented elsewhere, on location.

Are you doing the artwork for the EP yourselves?
We have an artist who is currently working on our covers who may or may not be in the band itself – though a final version hasn’t been figured yet. It seems testing to find a correct interpretation for five different opinions. We will be happy at some point soon I figure.

Did you enjoy the recent Pandemonium show in London?
Is always an honour and pleasure to play for the Panda magicians. One of the acts pulled out – however a good time was had by all, and the engineer played Rainbow after us. There were a few significant faces in the crowd too.

Where can people see you next?
We will be next at the NME Awards show at KOKO Camden on the 22nd February.

Individual band pics by Kev Williams.
For more info visit www.facebook.com/heysholay

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.