Louis Vuitton Malletier is a French luxury fashion house widely popular as Louis Vuitton. The company was founded back in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The iconic LV monogram appears on almost all of their products, starting from clothes, shoes, and watches to jewelry, sunglasses, handbags, and other accessories.
The company’s bags are some of the hottest buys in the luxury handbag market. Thanks to their exquisite quality, designs, craftsmanship, and luxury, they have a worldwide fanbase. Owning a branded bag like a louis vuitton bag has been a dream of thousands of women for over a hundred years now. After all, who doesn’t want to own such a high-end handbag, whose worth is much like investing in gold or stocks?
However, there is one thing that always worries women interested in buying these. There are a lot of fake Louis Vuitton type purses there in the market, which are sold in the name of authenticity. Although it is hard to distinguish between a fake and a genuine product, this article might help ease the matter. Check out the following points in the article to determine whether your purchased product is authentic.
The Overall Appearance
Before you check out the more minor details, an external inspection of the bag’s appearance will give buyers an idea if or not it is authentic. A brand new bag like a Louis Vuitton bag will always be pristine to see and touch. Look for the handles and check whether they have a symmetrical and robust outlook. Not just the handles, the overall bag should be sturdy in appearance. It should not slouch or get folded in any way.
Choosing a brand new product is better because pre-owned ones sometimes have some patina with age. New ones are devoid of any such scar marks. Check the Stitching Quality The stitching quality and style are sometimes crucial for any luxury handbag. Look closely at the stitching of the bag you are planning to buy. Ensure that there is no fraying or any quality issue. The stitching should be symmetrical and even throughout all the areas. However, don’t go for absolute perfection. Wondering why? Well, you should know that brands like Louis Vuitton have their bags hand-stitched.
Every product they sell is stitched by humans, so there must be slight angles to every stitch. It isn’t authentic when the stitching is straight and perfect because that is a machine-made feature and hence – a fake. The threads are also unique if you look carefully. They must have the signature resin coating, making the bag durable for weather resistance. The resin coating makes the threads look mustard yellow in appearance.
The Hardware Quality
There are specific details on the hardware of every authentic Louis Vuitton bag that most counterfeiters ignore. They are –
• The zipper position is always on the left side.
• The hardware material is never plastic.
• The clasps are always positioned to the left side.
• The trademark logos on the zipper, handle, and logo plaques should be evenly stamped. Most fake products have deep imprints.
Wrapping Up
One doesn’t need to worry about all these while buying a branded bag like a louis vuitton bag when you purchase from a trusted reseller. These companies triple-check the products they keep to ensure authenticity. When making such a significant investment as buying a luxury LV handbag, ensure you find such a trusted reseller.