Five Essential Spring Car Maintenance Tasks

We tend to use our car more in the spring and summer, and with the changing temperatures come some new issues. If you would like to make the most out of your road trips, you should look after your car so it can look after you and your family on the road. To make it look and perform as well as possible, carry out the below spring car maintenance tasks before the hot weather arrives.

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Get Rid of Moss and Residue

In the winter, you might have had your car standing and your doors and windows closed for a long time. It might be time to look for moss building up by the window seals and at the windscreen. Moss can cause damage and deformation of the rubber seals, and this will cost you a bit. While rubber parts are cheap to replace, you don’t want to do it every spring. Give your rubber seals a wipe with a wet sponge and add some vinegar for killing algae and moss.

Polish and Wax Your Bodywork

You should also protect your bodywork from direct sunshine whenever you can. While it is not always possible to park in the shade, there are some great wax products you can apply in the spring and can help you preserve the shine of your bodywork and prevent acidity to build up on the surface. If you only use wax treatment once a year, it should be used in the spring.

Restore Bumpers

Another thing that can greatly impact the appearance of your car is the bumpers and rubber parts. If you can get a spray that is designed to restore them to their original color (usually black), you will be able to make your car look younger than it is. Some of the treatments will also maintain your car’s dashboard color and texture, preventing and covering up cuts and scratches.

Check Your Tires and Battery

Before setting off on a longer journey, it is also crucial that you get your tires and battery checked. Make sure that the thread on your car is well above the legal limit, and take your battery down to your local testing station, so you can be sure to rely on it whatever the road ahead has in store.

Get a Service

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You need to get regular service on your car, so you can avoid breakdowns and small issues resulting in big problems when they are not addressed. If you can prove that your car has been regularly serviced, you might even save money on your car insurance. Check out the different offers providers have on, and find out what essential maintenance tasks you need to carry out to get the best price.

It is important that you give your car a bit of a TLC in the spring, so you can enjoy the warm weather and your summer driving experience. Protect the bodywork and the bumpers, get your battery and tires checked out, and make sure your car is able to take you wherever you want to go.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.