From forceful marketing to time-consuming graphics; there are several frequent mistakes made in web design. Seeking a web designer with experience to boast can help you avoid the following common pitfalls…

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Falling victim to too much blah, blah, blah…
A lot of people feel as if they have to fill up every single space with information. However, the key parts of your content will get lost if you fill up your website with an excess of words. Moreover, the design will look confused and crammed. A good website designer will know that there is nothing wrong with a bit of blank space.
A web designer who tries to be too flashy with flash…
There is no need to incorporate a mass array of flash graphics and animation. A lot of people want to utilise elaborate and exciting splash pages because they believe them to be impressive on the eye. That may well be the case, but if we wanted something visually exciting we’d watch a film. The internet is about convenience, and a good web designer knows that getting straight to the point is the most important thing.
Being too pushy with push marketing…
“Fill out this form in order to see the website”, “register for full access” and “fill out this survey to read on” – don’t do it! You may want to increase the number of members to your website, but you will in fact deter people from visiting your site at all. Not only do people not want the inconvenience of filling out their information, but a lot of people are sceptical about leaving their personal details as well. An experienced web designer knows that subtle marketing is the way to go.
Poor quality website management tools…
Aside from the mistakes and errors that have been mentioned so far, a lot of website designers without experience use poor-quality tools. There really is no excuse for this when you consider that there are even free website builders available today. However, a lot of inexperienced designers do not have the knowledge to know what tools are going to be best for website building and management.
Including emojis for the sake of it…
There is no denying that emojis have a big role to play in modern marketing. However, we have started to see a lot of businesses incorporate emojis into their website design and social media profiles for no reason whatsoever. Your emojis need to have context. They need to be thoughtful and they need to offer something. Don’t simply post a string of emojis that make no sense. One thing that a lot of business owners do is create their own emojis. This is definitely something you should think about if you want to make sure your business stands out from the crowd.
A website that is too slow…
This can often happen when a web designer decides to include a lot of graphics that simply are not necessary. Page load speed is so important for many different reasons. Firstly, if your website is too slow to load, this is going to cause frustration, and it will often result in people leaving your website and simply going to a competitor, which is the last thing that you want to happen. This then has a negative impact on your search engine ranking. If you have a high bounce rate, which means people leave your website quickly, this is something that Google and other major search engines will take into account when they are ranking your website.
A lack of consistency…
Aside from the errors that we have already discussed, another mistake that a lot of people tend to make when they do not have much experience in web design is creating a website that is not consistent. Your brand is everything. You need to make sure that all of your marketing messages are consistent across the board. However, this is where a lot of web designers go wrong, and the result can be a messy one, to say the least!
All in all, it is easy to become victim to the mistakes alluded to in this article. Thus, to ensure this is not the case, you need to seek a web designer with experience. After all, no matter whether you are building your personal brand or your business brand, the importance of having a good website is something that simply cannot be ignored.