Rachel Austin – Age of Reason EP & Idle Revival- High Times for Stationed Minds

Rachel Austin – Age of Reason EP
Rachel Austin describes her music as ‘dark folk’ and its a term that fits well. The mature voice that sores effortlessly from the Belfast based, Virginia native’s mouth isn’t what you might expect initially, and it’s virtually impossible not be struck by her cultured vocals.

On the single ‘Don’t Call Me’ she starts with… “Hey girl you’re on the phone again to me, talking ‘bout your injuries’”, to “I saw you making eyes at me from beside your wife do you really think that she’s blind?” on the track ‘Dark Eyes’, devilishly simple, but spoken with a poetic drive that is unforced and ever-present throughout this hugely powerful 5-track EP.

(Incidentally, Austin recorded much of ‘Age of Reason’ in Austin, Texas)

Age of Reason will be released on November 1st.
For more info visit www.rachelaustinmusic.com

Idle Revival- High Times for Stationed Minds
I imagine it can be fairly difficult to get noticed in Northern Ireland’s ‘Indie Scene’, but High Times for Stationed Minds is a rough n’ ready three track EP full of enough attitude to lift Idle Revival towards a bigger audience.

Vocalist Tom Tom (Yes Tom Tom) has echoes of Lost Prophets’ Ian Watkins in his voice, but style-wise both respective bands produce music miles apart.

Tracks like ‘Better Self’ and ‘Hostile’ are brimming with attitude, maybe the clue is in the name. ‘Hostile’ especially thuds along cautiously towards a chorus that is atmospheric and claustrophobic in equal measures. The end result is something special and incomparable and a good sign of things to come.

Listen to the EP here.

For more info visit www.idlerevival.co.uk

Matthew Cooper

I try to write knowledgeable things about music. Everything else I get quite annoyed about. Arsenal fan. Terrible swimmer.