East Angular – Fever Fever

Fever Fever are a 3 piece band from Norwich, and it’s fair to say they probably wont get a tour slot supporting David Gray or Sting anytime soon, but that is a good thing.

Their music has dirt under it’s fingernails and drinks cans of cheap lager behind the back of the Youth Club. Two of them are girls and they don’t have a bass player… What more do you need to know?

fever fever interview

How did the band get together?
We met at AA!

Was it a deliberate decision to have no bass player?
It wasn’t and then it was. Believe it or not Ellie played bass for two weeks and then we got rid of our 4th member and she took her rightful and current position. We just don’t think we need a bass player, we’ve got lots of fancy pedals and technical trickery that means we’re not missing any low end and our dynamic is such now that if someone new came in it would be TOO ODD.

How many songs have your written up to now?
Including ones we’ve dumped it’s probably about 40. We work on songs for quite a long time, we don’t really just bash ‘em out..

When will we see a full album come out?
We’re going to record it this year so all being well it should be out early next year.

Do you have a record deal or do you plan to release it yourself?
We don’t have a record deal no and the thought of self releasing makes me feel sick. It’s a lot of hassle. We’ve got a few things in the pipeline…..watch this space.

What label would you LOVE to sign to?
Well, I think the ultimate for me at least would be Kill Rock Stars, Domino or Transgressive but to be honest we just want a label who’s gonna treat us right and gives a shit.

Did you have a good time playing at Glastonbury?
Are you kidding?! It was absolutely INCREDIBLE. Insane. Makes us want to play festivals all the time. It was something else.

Do you like touring and being on the road?
Yeah, we love it. We’re always absolutely ruined after being on the road but it’s what gets us going. It’s so exciting and every day is different, what more could you wish for?

fever fever interviewHave you had any Fever Fever groupies?
Well, not groupies in the sense that we’ve had “relations” with them but we have one or two mega fans who are pretty awesome. Lucy Brown (who we’ve become good friends with now) clocked up 1,200 miles on her car during our last tour because she came to every date! Now, that’s cool.

What is the best thing about living in Norwich?
The city is ooozing with creativity, everyone is a musician, photographer, painter or writer and it’s exciting! People leave Norwich alone, it’s ignored or laughed at a lot of the time and that’s fine by us because as soon as people realize what’s going on here we’ll be exploited and co-opted!

Do you have any tips for going down children’s slides?
Just do as I do here (also, it was a grown ups slide and you are mean)……

Check out their sire here www.feverfever.co.uk
They also have a YouTube channel with lots of music and videos of them ‘messing about’, some of them are actually quite funny.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.