It seems like only yesterday since Tobey Maguire was donning the blue and red Spidey Spandex. This time relative newcomer Andrew Garfield takes the lead role in Mark Webb‘s forthcoming ‘Re-boot’ of the Marvel Comic’s Franchise ‘The Amazing Spider-Man‘.
It will be interesting to see if Andrew, (last seen in David Fincher’s Social Network movie) will have the star quality to carry things off successfully. This version has been filmed in 3D by the way, and judging from the trailer those ‘over the edge shots’ should be look ‘Amazing’ .
Personally I don’t care if it’s a remake or not, if it’s a good film (like the new Batman), but 10 years isn’t very long to wait, what next a remake of Scream?
Director Mark Webb is someone better known for making music videos than feature films so let’s hope he is more Spike Jonze than McG.
Rhys Ifans plays Dr Curt Connors, an interesting role fans of the comic books will know well. The rest of the cast includes Dennis Leary, Sally Field and Martin Sheen, but don’t get too excited yet, it’s not scheduled for release until July 2012.
Until then enjoy the trailer.