Electrolytes: Foods vs. Dietary Supplements

Electrolytes are a type of mineral that’s highly essential for your body to function correctly. For example, they can keep you well-hydrated, regulate your pH levels, boost your muscles, and much more. Hence, if you want to maintain your body and health, consuming electrolytes regularly should be essential.

But, how do you get them?

Well, here’s a fact. Your body carries certain electrolytes already. However, when you sweat too much or suffer from diarrhea, they tend to get released from your body. This, in turn, can affect your balance and make you feel dizzy and dehydrated due to an electrolyte imbalance.

Why is Taking Electrolytes Important?

Getting an adequate amount of electrolytes is quite essential for your health and development. For example, it can help you:

Maintain A Healthy Water-Mass Balance 

The amount of water sitting within your body must be balanced with your overall electrolyte level. However, dehydration from sweating, diarrhea, and liver issues can upset it a little. So, if you want to recreate the balance, you’ll need to take electrolyte supplements again.

Improve Your Muscle Health

Electrolytes, thanks to the electrical charges they generally carry, tend to be a crucial part of your muscle build. Hence, if you take the same regularly, it’ll decrease the risk of muscle spasms, cramps, loss of reflexes, and much more. In some cases, it may counter paralysis too.

Boost Heart Health 

Phosphorus and potassium are pretty crucial for your heart to function correctly. Therefore, when the level of the same gets too low, the issue of abnormal heart rhythm can occur. Also, it’s associated with the risk of seizures, heart failure, and coma as well. 

Intaking Electrolytes – How Do You Get Them?

In essence, you can get electrolytes in two ways – by taking a dietary supplement or eating a few specific foods. Let’s talk about the latter first.

Electrolyte-Rich Foods 

Electrolytes are primarily found in vegetable-based food items. For example –

  • Spinach is an excellent source of magnesium and calcium. So, if you’re experiencing balance issues, drinking spinach-boiled water can be pretty helpful.
  • Like spinach, lentils are also considered as a phenomenal source of magnesium. But, apart from that, they provide phosphorus and potassium to some extent as well.
  • Pickle juice, on the other hand, comes with a massive amount of chloride and sodium. However, drinking too much of the same can increase the risk of hypertension.
  • Seeds and nuts are usually decent sources of magnesium. But, if you are consuming sunflower seeds, it’ll also help you get phosphorus and some other nutrients.
  • Unlike sunflower seeds, dried apricots are palatable and deliver some pretty healthful nutrients too. And the most important one amongst them is potassium.

Now, here’s the thing. If you’re considering eating foods to improve your electrolytes level, you’ll have to eat loads of things. So, you may have to spend a little more money than usual.

However, that doesn’t happen in the case of electrolyte supplements. Most electrolyte hydration powders tend to carry more than one electrolyte at a time. Therefore, you can consume them without having to waste too much money or time (for cooking and all) and get benefits accordingly.

There are plenty of places where you can get electrolytes, always shop around and find trusted suppliers.

The Final Verdict – Answering The Dilemma

Here’s the thing.

When you’re eating vegetables, your overall gains are not going to be limited to electrolytes only. Apart from that, they can also offer vitamins and minerals to your body. And they can also improve your overall health in some other ways.

On the other hand, a dietary supplement will only focus on improving your electrolyte-based strata. They won’t add too many minerals or vitamins to your body. Additionally, if you take them more than needed, it might also affect your health in negative ways.

Hence, before you choose something for your purpose, it’s better to talk to your doctor once. This way, it will be easier for you to understand how your overall health is. And, you’ll also know if taking the dietary supplement is healthy enough for you.

In any case, this will bode the conclusion of my article. I hope I could proffer as much data as you were looking for here. But, if you still think there’s something missing, don’t hesitate to ask me about it. I’ll try my best to help you out.

Good luck!

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.