Life is complicated, fashion is complicated too. I have to admit it, the older I get the more I feel disconnected to what is ‘hip’ or ‘cool’. It’s a common problem I think, especially for men.

It might be something of a generalisation, but from experience, women tend to have a much better sense of their own style. Well actually when I think now my partner does also seem to spend a lot of time ordering clothes online and then sending them back again so maybe there is just a wider enthusiasm for experimentation, I’m not sure. Sometimes that wider enthusiasm can take over slightly and I know one particular husband whose wife carefully chooses his outfit for the day, every day.
She doesn’t trust him to make a decision about his look, especially if they are going out together. She does actually have good taste and people often compliment him on his nice colour sense and elegant demeanour. The big thing is that what she doesn’t know is that when he heads up to the golf club he has another outfit there ready to get changed into.

From what I can see men are a bit more functional, things are either right or wrong, good or bad etc. Some people take fashion or actually don’t take fashion to a whole different level. I was reading that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wears the same outfit every day as it means it is one less decision he has to make. I think that might be taking it to an extreme, but there is definitely something to be said for having a ‘capsule’ collection of go-to clothes that does take some of that decision making and stress away.
So you could have half a dozen pairs of jeans, half a dozen t-shirts and shirts, a nice belt, a couple of mens jackets that will all mix and match with each other. Plain colours are good, black and white may be a bit conservative but there is confident elegance about primary colours and you can always ‘sex’ things up with a cool hat or a Hawaiian/Cowboy shirt over the top. Other cool accessories such as sunglasses or belts can finish off an outfit and there really is something to feeling confident in what you wear.

I was looking at the latest men’s capsule collection of clothes by and for someone who, by the way also doesn’t like clothes shopping in general I managed to scoop up some awesome everyday items. Maybe I was just lucky, as they seemed to have my size in everything and most of the items were delivered the next day. Plus as an added bonus I didn’t have to send any back either.
One thing that’s easy to overlook, but you shouldn’t forget is good footwear. I know they say ‘if you want to get ahead, get a hat’, but a good pair of shoes can open doors in more ways than you could imagine.
Fashions come and go, but the important thing to remember is to find clothes that feel comfortable to you. That is the real definition of style. Or, if you get really stuck you can always get your wife, partner or even your mum to choose them. Just make sure you have a spare set at the golf club!
This article was written in conjunction with but all thoughts are my own.