If you want to make it in the modelling industry one of the most important things you need to do is make sure you are represented by a quality modelling agency. There are a lot of top modelling agencies for people to choose from nowadays. It is imperative to know what to expect from a modelling agency and how indeed you should act when representing one. In this post you will be provided with all the information you need to know. So, keep on reading to find out more…

First and foremost, let’s begin by explaining how model agencies work. The agency you sign with will represent you. It is their job to try and ‘sell’ you to potential clients. There are many ways they will do this. They will advertise your profile on their website, they will alert you to different job interviews and such like. You may think that this is something you are able to do yourself. However, agencies have access to opportunities that you would not be able to get yourself, such as national casting calls. The agencies connections and experience in the industry will prove to be extremely pivotal. You will have to pay for an agency, yet this will be in the form of commission. If the agency finds you work, you will typically have to pay anything from ten per cent to twenty five per cent of what the client has agreed to pay you.
Unfortunately there are a lot of scams in the modelling industry and there are a lot of companies that pose as agencies or claim to have relationships with the leading agencies when they do not. You should never pay for an agent, nor should you pay for professional photograph sessions in a studio either. In fact, agencies don’t tend to like these. It is also advisable to stay away from modelling agencies with the word ‘school’ or similar attached to them. Why? Well, if you sign up with one of these agencies it is likely that they will try and make money from you by pushing you towards taking a whole host of different courses and classes. Nine times out of ten these are actually of no benefit to your career.
When signing up to an agency it is totally reasonable for them to ask you to change your look. You see it happen frequently on modelling shows on the television, such as Britain’s Next Top Model! This shouldn’t offend you. They are experts in the industry. They know what works and what doesn’t. They may suggest a change in image in order to help you stand out. Or, they may advise you to change your look to try and help you get a specific job you are going for. Be open to suggestions, especially if you have been on their books for a while and are struggling to get the number of jobs you had hoped for. They may even ask you to tone up your body, to lose weight or indeed gain weight. Again, this is simply to try and help you get the job you have in mind or to be more attractive to potential clients. After all, the model industry is full of stringent requirements and you have to adapt if you want to bag the job. They shouldn’t ask you to be unhealthy, though – there is a difference! They also shouldn’t jeopardise your other aspirations. The best agencies support school work and other career choices. Plus, you can do any course online today, with a lot of models opting to do something like a business management distance education course, and so modelling and getting a degree is easier than ever before.
One big mistake a lot of people make is they sign up with an agency and then they go home and simply wait by the phone. When you are being represented by an agency you need to remember that there are hundreds of other models being represented to. When you walked out of the door, another aspiring model walked in it. You need to make yourself known to the agency. Thus, when they get a call about a job, let’s say they want a girl for a print ad; you will be one of the names that pop into their mind. Speak to the agency on a regular basis to see how things are going and whether there has been any interest in you. If not, ask them why, and see if there are any changes you can make. Of course you shouldn’t be ringing them every five minutes, but you shouldn’t let weeks go by without making contact with your agency.
In addition to this, you should also be looking for an agency that is going to present you with a wide scope of job opportunities in the fashion sector. Remember, in the beginning you cannot afford to be picky when it comes to the jobs that come your way! You should be taking every opportunity offered and every job you get. You may be tempted by an agency that has an array of massive print advertisements and catwalk campaigns for the biggest companies around the world. However, you are simply presenting yourself with the hugest uphill battle. No job should be too big, but equally no job should be too small. You may get a call for a photo shoot for a new company with a target audience of a small regional area. Take it! There’s no shame in doing so. You will make money and you will get your name out there. Plus, you will have a greater chance of actually getting the job.
It goes without saying that when a job opportunity comes your way, no matter how big or small, you must act professionally at all times. Not only are you going to be representing yourself but the agency as well. You should always arrive early. Being punctual is of huge importance. After all, time is definitely money in this industry, and photographers and such like do not have the time to wait around for their models to be late.
On a final note, you probably already know that a model’s portfolio is one of the most important things. This is essentially your CV. It will determine whether you get jobs or do not get considered whatsoever. The best agencies will have a portfolio building service. They will help you to put yours together. After all, it is in their benefit to ensure you have a winning portfolio that is going to put you at the top of the list for jobs. A good portfolio is one that is diverse. It should show you off in various different lights, proving that you are versatile. It is all about quality not quantity. Do not include photographs for the sake of it. If you are feeling unsure about a particular photo, don’t include it. This is something your agency will help you with however.
Hopefully you now have a better understanding of model agencies and the role they play when it comes to your career. Don’t underestimate how important it is to choose your agency with care. Moreover, you need to maintain the relationship and do all in your power to bag modelling jobs once you have signed up with the agency. You cannot expect to sit at home and do nothing. If you follow the advice that has been provided both in terms of choosing an agency and how to act when being represented by them, you should find that your career path is paved and everything happens more smoothly.