The British fry up – just the name sends happy memories flooding back. We’re sat around the breakfast table while mum or dad rustles up some heartwarming food, full of flavour, sauce and salty goodness. There’s just something about the British fry up that cries homemade and reminds us of a simpler time, chatting and enjoying each other’s company.
Things haven’t changed much, apart from the fact that now we’re the ones doing the cooking. But what makes the perfect British fry up? Years of cooking – and eating – this delicious meal have given us a pretty good idea of what makes the perfect fried breakfast.
Fried eggs
Fry ups come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and are especially diverse when it comes to egg selection. Believe me, we’ve tried them all, poached eggs, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs and more. But one stands out above them all in this context – the fried egg. Fried egg with a runny yolk may well be one of the culinary world’s best inventions. It’s a staple that seems to fit perfectly in a fry up, and is a great accompaniment with white toast to soak up all the juices.
Lincolnshire sausages
A fry up just isn’t a fry up with out a nice amount of meat. After trying a range of different sausages, the ultimate winner has got to be the Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire sausage is made up of coarsely chopped pork and a dominant seasoning of sage, while some recipes also include parsley and thyme. Because of their herb seasoning these sausages aren’t as peppery, so they go well with any classic fry up recipe. If you’re really a big fan of these sausages, check out the Lincoln Sausage Festival which takes place every year in the grounds of Lincoln Castle.
Hash Browns
Nothing fits better in a British fry up then one – or two – fluffy hash browns. Traditionally, British hash browns come in a triangle shape and are fried on the stove top along with the eggs and sausage. That said, it’s rare these days for anyone to make their own hash browns. McCain Hash Browns come frozen and can be cooked in less than 20 minutes, negating the need to spend so much time prepping before the big event.
Baked Beans
Britain eats more baked beans that the rest of the world combined – and we’re guessing the majority are put into a fry up. The sweet and savoury combination of stewed beans in a tomato sauce can’t be overlooked if you want a great fry up. Beans pair perfectly with eggs and toast to add to the overall appeal of this mouthwatering breakfast. And when it comes to brands, it just has to be Heinz.
Fried mushrooms
Mushrooms are an important part of any fry up, helping you check off 1 of your 5 a day in the process. It’s not just that though, fried mushrooms are delicious, especially if you mix it up a bit and season them with garlic salt. Cook small button mushrooms whole or slice them up depending on how you like them – just remember to add plenty of butter to the pan for the perfect, flavourful finish.
Of course we have left out a few other delicious additions, like grilled tomatoes and bubble and squeak. Really when it comes to making your favourite fry up the options are endless – what are your fry up staples?