Do You Need Caravan Insurance?

Caravanning should be a break from it all. But what if a panicked bird smashes through your windscreen? Or, as in the case of one holiday maker in North Devon, a cow falls off of a cliff and onto your caravan roof? These are the kind of breaks (and dents) it pays to be prepared for. However, in the UK, you’re not legally required to have caravan insurance, so here are the key points to consider if you’re weighing up the pros and cons.

Purposeful action versus accidental damage

Damage while towing is the most likely accident to happen to caravan owners. The world is full of ‘closer than they look’ reversing hazards, not to mention Satnav misadventures down narrow tracks. Plus, high winds can play havoc with caravan awnings. Of course, you can’t control the weather, but accidents do happen, and your bank account may thank you if you’re covered when something goes wrong.

Present policy versus missing caravan

Of course, damage to your caravan is not the only potential issue. Each year, around 4,000 caravan-owners wake up to discover that their pride and joy has been spirited away – often by organised gangs of thieves who target caravans (especially those of higher value) and for whom a well-lit driveway offers little deterrent.

Being covered for theft means that if the worst does happen and it’s not recovered, you can at least replace your caravan, get back on the road and start making some new happy memories.

Right for you versus one-size-fits-all

Naturally, if you do decide on touring caravan insurance, you’ll want to make sure that you’re paying for what you need, the whole of what you need, and nothing but what you need. So consider:

The essentials…

  1. Cover for third party liability
  2. Cover for loss or damage – including accidental damage while towing
  3. Cover for fire, theft, flood, and storm damage
    Top tip: storm damage to awnings is among the most common reasons for making a claim, so make sure your awning is covered. Also, while most car insurance policies will cover you for third-party liability scenarios when towing your caravan, they almost certainly won’t cover damage to your caravan in the event of a collision. In fact, caravans are often specifically excluded so be sure to check your policy.

It may be wise to add…

A contents cover boost – while most caravan insurance includes contents cover, you can choose to increase this if you are travelling with a lot of valuables.

Top tip: it’s worth checking your household insurance to see if valuables such as laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and jewellery are covered while away from the home, before increasing contents cover under your touring caravan policy

You might also choose…

New-for-old cover – so if your caravan is damaged or stolen, it’s insured to the value of a brand-new equivalent rather than a like-for-like replacement.

Cover for European touring – although most policies will cover you anywhere in Europe.
Loss of use cover – to pay for alternative accommodation if something happens to your caravan that makes it uninhabitable.
Additionally, you might like to add breakdown cover, legal assistance, and cover for your friends and family to use your caravan.

While the factors above will determine the cost of your cover, as a benchmark, the average cost for insuring a touring caravan is £135.72 per year in the UK. When you weigh that up against the average cost of buying or replacing a caravan, you can see why investing in caravan insurance could make good financial sense.

Fully informed versus caught unawares

When considering the type of cover best suited to your needs it’s also wise to familiarise yourself with the standard exclusions. For example, you might not be covered for damage or theft due to a lack of security (e.g. if you have no wheel clamps or if you leave your windows open) or when your caravan is stored in a location not covered by your policy . However, these risks can be mitigated by improving your caravan security.

Damage caused by insect or vermin infestation or by mildew might also fall outside of your cover. But again, you can reduce the risk by properly maintaining and looking after your caravan; something that also helps it to hold its value.

Best price guarantee versus trawling for deals

While it often pays to shop around for a good price, finding the best deal on your caravan insurance needn’t mean going all round the houses. At InsureMy, we guarantee to find you the lowest price by comparing policies from our panel of insurers who live and breathe specialist caravan insurance. All we need is a few simple details and we’ll gather the best options for you to review, all in one place. Get your free quote today. Or at least before you drive underneath any cliffs where cows are grazing…

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.