An Accessory Game That Will Murder Any Look

As a self-respecting fashionista, you have an urge to turn heads at every opportunity. Whether it’s walking down the street or popping into the shop for a bottle of milk, you want to be on point at all times. A strong fashion game needs to take advantage of accessories. Without different textures, colours and styles to offset your look, it’ll feel as if there is a piece of the outfit missing and it will lack personality. What you need is an accessory game that will kill any look and you’ve come to the right place.


Here’s how to be an accessory to murder.

Keep It Simple

The small stuff makes the biggest difference. In the fashion world, a truer word has never been spoken. Yes, the likes of Gigi and Bella Hadid wear outrageous things all the time, but it’s important to remember that they are professionals. As a wannabe model, it’s smart to keep things as simple as possible. That way, your style won’t feel complicated or cluttered. Jewellery is always an excellent choice because it’s sleek and elegant and goes with pretty much any item. The trick is to spice things up a little by changing with the seasons. In winter, a scarf and hat combo will work wonders (and it’ll keep you warm!).

Leather shoes and a hat


Don’t Overdo It

With so many accessories to choose from, the temptation is to wear as many as humanly possible. Not to be offensive, but you’ll end up looking as if you work at the local fair. Overdoing it on jewellery, for example, can transform a high-quality trend into a tacky one. Yes, even if everything you wear is real and expensive. If layering is your thing, be sure to stick to one area so that it doesn’t appear cheap or nasty. Also, choose one accessory per body part, i.e., rings for the fingers and a watch for the wrist.

Use What Your Mummy Gave You

Okay, she may not have paid for your mobile phone, but the fact remains that it’s always in your pocket or clutch. A fashionista never goes anywhere without her phone, which is why you should use it to your advantage. Anybody toting an Android phone should invest in the best Samsung Galaxy S10 cases and jazz them up a little. The same goes for Apple users but you have to use iPhone cases instead. From flags to studs and personalised patterns, you can add a range of colours and textures. Plus, it will always be on display.


Buy Faux Fashion Pieces

No one will ever know that your bracelet isn’t real as long as you do it right. Firstly, you should wear fake fashion pieces with actual designer clothes. That way, the branded stuff will grab people’s attention and allow the accessories to go under the radar. Secondly, avoid gold as it looks tacky when it’s fake. Silver is perfectly fine though, so don’t be afraid to pick up rings or earrings from car-boot sales or charity shops.

Thanks to these tips, your accessory game will be so tight that the police will want you for questioning!

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.