As a diverse and inclusive place to live, it is also the home of numerous [read more...]
For lovers of art the Netherlands have been even more of a hot spot than [read more...]
There’s more to Holland than windmills, canals, clogs and tulips; It is also home to [read more...]
As Rotterdam is a very experimental city, it is the perfect platform to get acquainted [read more...]
Having seen him in interviews, and now in person it's no wonder females fall at [read more...]
It is no surprise that Rotterdam in the Netherlands is the latest city to showcase [read more...]
My young daughter and I headed to Micropia and Nemo, two locations in the heart [read more...]
With some outstanding hotels, bars, restaurants and museums, you can easily jump on a [read more...]
I was in Rotterdam a few weeks ago for the Rotterdam Art Fair among the [read more...]
Over the last few years, Art Rotterdam has grown into one of the top 5 [read more...]
Coco Chanel was a fashion icon in her own right.A glamourpuss of the first degree, [read more...]