X-Man John Kennedy

John Kennedy XFMIf you live in London and like music you will know about John Kennedy. XFM’s late night DJ LOVES music.

Over the years he’s played a major roll in breaking new bands and championing the unheard, both on his radio show and live events.

While some DJ’s like the sound of their own voice a bit too much, his self-effacing style and apparent lack of ego never get in the way of the real star, the music.

Flush the Fashion caught up with the man with the golden ears.

What are you up to at the moment?
Answering your questions from home, listening to the new Gang Of Four album in advance of doing an interview with them for tonight’s show.

Who should we look out for in 2011?
Well for once I think they media hype machine has got it right in promoting Anna Calvi and James Blake. They are both two fresh, interesting and individual artists who have made fantastic debut albums. I’m not sure they’ll have hit records in the conventional sense, but that doesn’t matter as far as I’m concerned. It’s about making great art! Or great moments!

I’m really excited by Paris Suit Yourself from France and Berlin who are just brilliant. At times like Fugazi go Gospel! Breton from South East London just did a session for me which was excellent.

Their two EP’s from last year were really good and really surprising, they just seemed to come out of nowhere with this great hybrid of sounds. Elephant I really like as well, they have quite a dreamy sound. Dutch Uncles will hopefully get the attention they’ve deserved for a long time, as will The Chapman Family.

Other names to look out for – Family Of The Year, Flowers And Sea Creatures, Young The Giant, Lail Arad, Sissy & The Blisters, Clock Opera and I’m excited about the return of Seefeel and Josh T. Pearson.

You have helped to break a lot of bands, who do you feel most proud about championing?
It’s hard to choose. I just play a small part. For a band to be successful you really need all media on board. Ultimately it’s down to the bands hard work, commitment and vision.

What is your all time favourite band / song?
Well that’s an impossible question! It changes day by day, week by week.

Where is your favourite live venue?
I guess I’d have to say The Barfly and the Tooting Tram & Social where I host my own events!

What do you do all day… are you always listening to music?
Ah, the question I get asked a lot! Amazingly I do listen to music all day.
There is an every growing mountain range of new music being made. I seem to spend my days attempting to chip away at some of it while answering emails, downloading more tracks, planning the show, and organising guests and bands for events. The days just seem to fly by!

Did you ever want to be a Rockstar?
Of course!

What would you do if you weren’t a DJ?
Tough one. I used to work in the BBC Gramophone Library before I became a full time DJ which was obviously related to DJ’ing. I think they’ve phased out my old job though. It would be good to work in radio but I think maybe I’d be driving a mini-cab listening to the radio.

Who do you secretly like that you are too ashamed to admit?
Well that would be telling!

You can listen to John’s XFM radio show online via XFM.co.uk
His next exposure night is on Mon 21st Feb, more info here

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.