In the midst of the chaotic onslaught that is the Edinburgh Fringe, the idea of finding space to slow down and detach is difficult enough in the quietest corner of the capital’s taverns, let alone amongst several hundred revellers packed into a sold out gig. However, with Tame Impala’s sonic abilities holding sway it would be difficult not to cut loose and drift away. Bathed in psychedelic imagery the band, which is currently enjoying a jaunt through Europe’s summer festival calendar, made easy work of winning over the onlookers.
With most of the band largely confined to the shadows it was left to frontman and songwriter, Kevin Parker, to lead the charge into the outer reaches of Tame Impala’s two albums, both of which provided plenty to energise an already enthused festival crowd. However, it would be fair to say that the more rousing of receptions were definitely reserved for those numbers plucked from last autumn’s second album release – Lonerism – available on Modular Recordings.
Notable highlights included a rasping run through of Endor Toi and a crowd-crushingly good Elephant. Parker looked in relaxed mood as he twiddled barefoot with a multitude of stomp boxes laid out in front of him, delivering a vast array of tripped out textures.
Tame Impala head stateside for a string of dates in the autumn before heading back down under for their own festival scene in the new year, unfortunately for those who missed this particular passing it might be a while before they are afforded the opportunity to tune in, turn on and trip out.
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