If you’ve been living under a rock over the last couple of months let me bring to your attention, Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Formed by the team at Treyarch and brought to the world by Activision. BLOPs II as it’s widely known takes us on a journey from 1986 all the way to the future, 2025 to be exact.
In this fast paced First-Person-Shooter the campaign drops you in the boots of Alex and David Mason, a father and son combo along with other roles as sub-characters as the story progresses through multiple choices/ endings. Everyone was optimistic of how the game would lay between the past release and this current second title.
But the link between the two time eras slot together in my eyes perfectly, laying down the storyline with force and action. Although there may be too many cut scenes for the personal taste, I stayed gripped and was fascinated by all the new tech and side missions, named Strike Force.
The Strike Force missions were a great insight into the multi-player maps as these are both two of the same, so when I did venture onto the huge multi-player goodness, I was equip with the Intel and ammo ready to take on the world. The only problem whilst aiming through the online MP was the host migration and connection problems, which are being ironed out. This still didn’t deter from playing endless games in the mass variety of play-lists from Kill Confirmed and Domination through to the good old Party Games of Gun Game and Sticks & Stones that BLOPS is renowned for.
A great new online feature to highlight is League Play, with the developers taking great thought into the pro gaming/ eSports following. Players are put through their skill base in different class leagues in a tournament style layout, the more you win the more you progress, from the Iron League or with the top flight in the Masters League. All weapons are unlocked also, so there is no blaming the gun that you have picked from the vast array that’s at hand. If all this is a bit too much for you and you just want to, I don’t know, shot Zombies?!? Then come on in!
Zombies Mode is a groovy addition to the BLOPS series, with a lot of people gunning to just play this mode alone. Many maps are available with a good chunk of achievements/ trophies being held here for endless zombie hordes and crazy voices. The new improved look & play is great and reminiscent of its predecessor. Party up or go it lone ranger it’s up to you, but believe me safety, is as they say, in numbers.
There is so much detail that can discussed but its best to just go and buy this game, you shall not be disappointed. If you do and come across some dude running around with Monk above his head, that would be me, so say hi & please… don’t shoot me.
Developed: Treyarch
Published: Activision
Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, Microsoft Windows and WiiU
PEGI/ ERSB: M (for Mature)