For most people, buying a new car is a pretty daunting experience. There are endless choices available, and with it being such an expensive item to purchase, you want to make sure that your investment is worth the money.
When you meet a salesperson, they will shower you with questions like what model you want, what make you want, what horsepower you want, etc. Nonetheless, when it comes to making a purchase, all of these items are secondary to what really matters when choosing a new car. So, without any further delay, here are four things you should know before you make a final decision.

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What sort of budget do you have?
When you visit the car dealership, you should have a firm idea of how much money you can afford to spend. When you reach a car store, the salesperson will try their very best to get you to buy an expensive vehicle. Write down a list of features that you need from a car based on your everyday use, etc. All of these things will help you nail down your options and buy the perfect car.
It is not just the outright cost of the car that you need to take into consideration. You also need to think about the cost of vehicle tax, of insurance, of maintenance, and things like 4wd accessories if you want to give your car a bit of a personality or modification.
Does it feel right to drive?
Many people, if they are familiar with the make and model of a car, make the mistake of not taking it for a test drive. We always advise that you do, even if you feel familiar with the vehicle. You spend a lot of time in your car, and a lot of money on it, and if you make the mistake of buying something that you do not feel comfortable with, you will regret it big time later. Always ask to take it for a quick spin first -no reputable dealership or seller will have an issue with you doing this to make sure it is in perfect working condition, and there are no noticeable faults that will cause you a headache once you get it home.
Have you compared prices?
Before settling on a deal with your seller or dealership, make sure you have had a range of quotes and bartered for the best deal. ⠀Do your homework; you might get a pretty sweet deal if you have researched and gone for the best dealer. If you get information about your car from different locations, it will help you negotiate better and get the best price for your car.
Understand your rights
Take the time to get acquainted with the warranty plan and return policies for any new or used vehicle. Do you need to supplement the warranty at all? Is there a lemon law in your state? At the moment, there are only six states with them, so make sure you check.
Shopping a car can be intimidating, but with the right research and preparation, you will find the right one for you.