When you feel like doing nothing, you probably feel like you are wasting your time. There is no shame in sitting around and not doing anything for a few hours in the week and doing so can actually make you feel a lot better for it.
However, you might feel that you still have to do something to keep your mind occupied and alert, even if you promised yourself that this time you would relax and do nothing. Here are three things to do when your feel like doing nothing, and you have no energy, and when your motivation is hard to come by.

#1 Play on your phone
Playing on your phone can be the ultimate boredom hack. Feeling like you have nothing to do, or you don’t have any enthusiasm can be solved by looking on your phone, especially if you make the right choice.
Whether you enjoy online games such as what you can find on freeextrachips.com, or you prefer something a little more laid back and not so adrenaline-fueled, there are a lot of ways that you can chip away at your boredom, and build your inspiration to get on and do other things, and you can start it all off by playing on your phone.
#2 Do some exercises
Exercising is something else that you can do to help you make the most of your time alone. Waiting for the commercial break to end, or for your food to be finished in the microwave can be boring, so you might as well do something productive for the time that you are waiting. Stretching, dancing, even doing a super quick workout routine can be a way to make sure that you get your exercises in without having to worry about digging into time that you might consider a little bit more precious, or that you would rather be using up doing something else.
#3 Try to do dome odd jobs
Trying to do some odd jobs around the house might sound like a tedious task, but it can be well worth doing if you have a to-do list that has been sat on the side not being done for a while. You might find that it will help you feel less pressure to do things, especially if you have a bad habit of putting things off. Getting your rooms tidy, organizing a closet, or even just doing the washing up, you will find yourself feeling a little better with each little odd job done and out of the way.
This can be good if you notice that mess has been piling up for a short while, or you haven’t gotten around to making things look a little neater. Even if it is just doing the dusting or getting one load of laundry in just to cut down on the amount of it hanging around, there is a little odd job that you can do to help you feel better or to help you relax a little bit more easily.