Tips To Supercharge Productivity When Working From Home

Working from home is the new norm for many of us. Whether you’ve decided to go freelance or set up your own business, or your company has switched to more flexible working arrangements, it’s beneficial to look for ways to be more productive at home. Here are some top tips to take on board. 

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Establishing a routine

Most people who used to go to work every day were used to a set routine before the pandemic hit and working from the living room became a daily activity. If you’re not getting up to catch a bus or train, get in the car or walk to work, and you don’t have a set finishing time, you might find that your routine has gone out of the window. While working from home affords greater flexibility, it is useful to establish a regime. Play to your strengths, make time for daily exercise and fresh air and resist the temptation to check emails after you’ve logged off. Try to set your alarm for the same time each morning and get to bed at a similar time to enable your body clock to adjust and manage your schedule. If you’re a morning person, you may prefer to rise early and get started before your colleagues join you for meetings or catch-ups. Take regular breaks to stretch your legs and enjoy a change of scenery. Even a short walk in the middle of the day or 10 minutes of stretching in the morning can work wonders. 

Making sure you have the right equipment

Some people are fortunate enough to have a dedicated office kitted out with all the mod cons, but for many, the sudden shift to home working caught them off guard. If you’re going to be at home more often for the foreseeable future, it’s wise to make sure you have all the equipment you need to hand. From a comfortable, supportive, adjustable chair and a desk or table to a laptop, desktop or tablet, software for video calls and a headset, having the right setup and access to technology and tools can increase productivity. Check out articles like the top 10 headsets online, ask your employer if you’re missing anything you need and make sure you’re comfortable. It may also be beneficial to consider upgrading your broadband or using a booster if your connection is poor. 

Managing your time

There was an assumption that working from home is easier than going to an office day in, day out, but many employees have found that they are actually working longer hours now. When you don’t have to commute or sign out by a certain time, there’s nothing stopping you from working from 8am until 8pm. Working long hours can be counterproductive and increase the risk of stress and burnout. Aim to work smarter. Be more efficient, manage your time and learn to say no. There may be days when you need to work late, but this shouldn’t be an everyday occurrence. Make time for hobbies, socialising and relaxing. 

Working from home is the new norm for many of us. If you’re adjusting to life in the spare room or virtual meetings, take these tips on board to supercharge productivity. 

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.