Sponsored Video: Milk Tray Man is back!

It’s all because the lady loves… Milk Tray.

Advertising has come along way since the 80’s when the first ever ‘Milk Tray Man’ risked life and limb to deliver his trademark calling card and that box of delicious Milk Tray chocolates.

Along with the Turkish Delight chocolate Ad (which was also exotic and mysterious) and the ‘Smash’ Aliens Ad (less exotic, more surreal) they left a lasting impression on the viewer. Milk Tray Man was James Bond without the politics; every man wanted to be him and every woman wanted to be loved by him. He was strong, fearless and lived in a less complicated and a less politically correct age.

Fast Forward to 2015 and the world is a very different place. Just like the Milky Bar kid, Milk Tray Man was out of touch and needed a revamp for today’s sophisticated audience. As a result Cadbury’s are looking for someone new.

You can see from the video (below), the selection process has already began and there are already more than a few people interested in the job. Cabury’s don’t believe in doing things by halves and have recruited the current Milk Tray Man, James Coombes to help with the selection process to get the right one for the job.

Joey Essex and Shaun Williamson (Barry from EastEnders) together with sports stars Robbie Savage and Thom Evans have auditioned, but no one has completely ticked all the boxes yet. In fact, from all the candidates the best potential Milk Tray (person) so far has been sprinter Denise Lewis.

So…this is where you come in. Are you a living breathing action-man or woman? Do you look good in tight black clothing? Can you fight a shark one handed or parachute off a cliff with only a handkerchief and ball of string? If the answer to all these questions is yes, you should visit www.newmilktrayman.com and go for it.

Personally, I think the hardest thing about being a Milk Tray man would be not eating the whole box of chocolates before you got to the right place.

This video is sponsored by Cadbury’s but all thoughts are my own..

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.