Sponsored Video: Joop Crazy Night

It’s that time of year, the nights are longer, the sun has gone, that Summer holiday is just a distant memory (where did we go again?). Miserable Eastenders and X-Factor are the only things on TV. Now you know why hedgehogs hibernate for the Winter.

Wait, hold on! Don’t despair, as something good has happened. Drag your ass from the grass and head down to your local pimped up nightclub, the one with the newly installed Joop! Instagram Machine, take a photo, hashtag it #joopcrazynight and the next thing you know you could be heading out for the night of your life.

The lucky chap in this video was whisked away courtesy of Joop! with his partner on a private Jet to Paris, followed by dinner on the Seine, accompanied by their very own Geisha Girls as assistants. What happened after that is anyone’s guess, but in the capital of romance, it sure beats a cold kebab.

Here is a date for your diary, if you live in London, Joop! are holding a very special evening THIS Thursday (9th Oct) at @Disco, 13 Kingly Court, W1B 5PW at 8pm. Entrance is free, as long as you RSVP to the event via Joops!’s Facebook page HERE)

Also if you live in Berlin there is another event happening @ Felix Xlub on Sat 18th Oct from 11pm local time (they start later there, I wonder if that is because the clocks go back?).

Just makes sure you get a good nights sleep on Wednesday or Friday, as you never know, it could be a crazy night to remember.

Video sponsored by Joop! but all thoughts are my own.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.