Sometimes, driving at night is inevitable. Maybe you’re running late getting home from work, or you’re traveling a long distance to visit your relatives. Whatever your circumstances are, driving at night is dangerous and it makes sense for drivers to take extra precautions to ensure they get to their destination safely and don’t become involved in an accident – speak to this PI lawyer from Alexandria if you’ve been in a car accident that could have been avoided. Driving at night is statistically more dangerous than driving in the day time simply because of poor visibility. Sure, you may have your lights on and the street lamps puncture the darkness intermittently, but you still can’t see as clearly as you can during the day time. Not forgetting fatigued and drunk drivers are more likely to be on the roads at night. With all this in mind, we’ve gathered some simple ways you can keep yourself safe when you’re driving at night. Read on to find out more.
Don’t drink and drive
Whether you’ve had a couple of drinks with friends after work, or you’ve enjoyed a meal with your family at your favourite restaurant as a treat, having drinks and then getting behind the wheel is incredibly dangerous. Even being just slightly over the limit can impair your judgment and impact your coordination and concentration levels. All making a crash much more likely. If you want to stay safe whilst driving, never drink and drive. Choose a designated driver, call a cab or just don’t drink!
Don’t drive tired
When you’ve had a long day or you’re driving a long distance at night, it’s not easy to stay awake. But when you’re behind the wheel of a car, it’s incredibly dangerous. Falling asleep at the wheel is the cause of thousands of accidents on the roads each year. To stop yourself from being added to the statistics, only drive when you’re alert and refreshed. If you feel yourself getting tired whilst driving, pull over and have a break.
Slow down
As mentioned above, visibility isn’t great which means you’re less likely to spot hazards and dangers until it’s too late. This means slowing down is your best option. By reducing your speed you’re giving yourself more time to spot and react to hazards on the roads.
Be wary of wildlife
Driving at night often means sharing the scenery with wildlife. Deer, hedgehogs, rats, even frogs and other creatures could suddenly appear in your path. If you’re not anticipating them, you could find yourself in a serious collision. Even driving in built-up areas you could come across animals. Cats, dogs and other creatures could wander into the road and make you swerve or react erratically. Slow down and be aware of other creatures you might be sharing the dark roads with. And finally, don’t drive without testing your lights. Before you set off, always ensure that your lights and your signals are in good working order. You should do this even if it’s not dark, as adverse weather such as fog and heavy rain could mean you need to switch them on to make yourself more visible.