Careers You Can Start Up Alongside Your Main Job

Are you looking to switch careers, but you aren’t quite ready to quit your full-time job? There’s plenty of careers you can start up alongside your main job.

Starting a career that you can do in your spare time is a great way to gradually transition into full-time self-employment. The question is, what type of career could you do alongside a main job? To give you some ideas, below you’ll discover some of the main job types you can do alongside a full-time job.   

Taxi driving

If you’re looking to start a career that’s going to be people-focused, taxi driving is a great idea. This can also prove to be a really lucrative career choice. You can start training in your spare time, getting the licenses you’ll need etc. Then, once you’re ready to start doing it, you can schedule a few hours in the evenings and weekends. To find an additional job, you can visit Jooble (job aggregator) to speed up your job search. Once you build up a reliable client base, you can start to switch from your main job to your new taxi career. 


If your passion is hair, why not set yourself up as a mobile hairdresser? This is a great career you can start to build up without leaving the security of your main job. You will need some qualifications so start by signing yourself up to an evening college course or look for courses online. After getting the right qualifications and supplies such as hair thinning scissors, you can start offering a mobile hairdressing service in your spare time.


Blogging is definitely one of the best careers you can start while you’re still employed. It generally takes a while before blogging becomes profitable. So, you can start writing a blog or two in the evenings. You can then use clever tools to schedule the posts so they can be made even if you’re in work. Once your blogging platform starts to take off, you can think about switching to it full-time from your main job.


If you love kids, why not set up your own babysitting business? Again, you will need qualifications for this. However, once you’ve got them you can babysit in the evenings or weekends. 

No matter what you’re interested in, there’s sure to be a way to start a career while you’re still working at your main job. The above are just a very small collection of ideas you can use for inspiration. 

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.