In a year where negative news stories have seemed never-ending, with surging Covid rates and job losses plaguing the headlines, sometimes a bit of positive news goes a long way. That’s why we’re pleased to announce that Allied Mobility are sponsoring the Kate Stanforth Academy of Dance every Friday for the rest of 2021.
It’s no secret that disabled and vulnerable individuals have had it toughest during the pandemic, with many being forced to stay home and essential services cut or reduced as a result of fewer staff. To help the disabled community lift their spirits and help encourage disabled dancers back to dance or try it for the first time, Kate launched her very own Academy of Dance to give something back to disabled dancers.

Who is Kate Stanford?
If you’ve been following Kate, you’ll know that she is a bright, outgoing, passionate campaigner and advocate for disabled rights. Getting involved in projects far and wide to raise awareness of and help those with disabilities, Kate has earned herself a reputation as a fearless campaigner and advocate.
But Kate is also a trained dancer. In fact, as a young teenager, she was preparing to turn professional and showing immense promise to be the next Darcey Bussell! However, unfortunately when Kate turned 14, she became unwell with ME and subsequently Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Vasovagal Syncope and MCAD, and was unable to pursue her dream career of dancing.
Left bedbound for a number of years, Kate mourned her old life – until recently that is.
Although her disability may have abruptly ended her dreams to become a professional dancer on stage, Kate returned to the sport several years later and qualified as a dance teacher. Not only this, but Kate has been featured in Channel 4 programs, the Sainsburys Tu advert and being the star of her very own mini-documentary series.
From there, the Dance Academy was born.
About the Academy
In February 2021, the Kate Stanford Academy of Dance was born. After picking up dance again in 2019 following 11 years of being unwell, Kate has picked up her dancing career and been around the world performing in her wheelchair. After meeting Craig Heep in January 2020 who later went on to transform a spare room into a dance studio, Kate is now able to offer a dance academy to all bodies, regardless of experience.
Kate now runs two free online classes on a Wednesday afternoon. One is an inclusive dance class (14+) and the other is an advanced technique with PBT. The aim is to get all disabled youngsters moving, expressing themselves and most importantly – having fun.
What we can all take from this is that Kate is an inspiring young woman. Despite being just 24 years’ old, her life experience and passion for dance and advocacy shines through. That’s why Allied Mobility are sponsoring Kate Stanforth Academy of Dance every Friday for the rest of 2021.
If you’re eligible, why not go along and see what all the fuss is all about?