Sex, Apps and Rock 'n’ Roll – iRig

iRigIf you have an iPhone and a guitar, your life has just got alot more fun. Say hello to the iRig.

iRig is a powerful application and connector that turns your iPhone into a Guitar Amp with tons of different amps and effects. If you don’t have the cash for a big stack of amps or pedals or just need a device that is portable for rehearsing or even to use live iRig is perfect.

It’s the perfect thing to take on a tour, all you need is your iPhone, your guitar and some headphones (or an amp) and you can be writing new stuff in your hotel room or on the bus, any time you got the urge. It has a built-in tuner and works with the iPad too. It’s great for musicians but might be bad news for groupies….

Flush the Fashion spoke to UK Sales Manager Paul Kaufman to find out more..

There are tons of options and effects, did you consult with any guitarists in the development process?

We have many years experience of creating the software first on the PC and Mac platforms and have used the feedback from our customers to constantly improve and extend the package.  Plus all of our developers play instruments so they know exactly what guitarists and bassists look for.

Here are just some of the preset sounds you can get from an iRig, all of these can be tweaked to infinity to get the sound you want.
Can I use it to put effects on other instruments?

Although the iRig is designed for guitar signals, there is no reason why any other instruments couldn’t be put through it. The software itself allows you to use the iPhone’s built-in mic, but I have seen people put keyboards and even drum machines through it. They’d just need to make sure the signals levels are appropriate. Of course, for acoustic guitar and singers, we now have our new iRig Mic and VocaLive package.

Is there anything to stop me blowing my headphone speakers?

The Setup menu in the software gives you control of both input and output levels, so if these are set carefully you can avoid damaging your headphones – or your ears!!

Any plans for an ‘android’ version?
Currently the audio signal handling method that is used within Android rules out real-time guitar processing. If this improves in future updates of Android then we may consider it.

It was designed in Modena, Northern Italy, the home of Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini so it is no surprise the interface is sleek and well designed. These things are VERY cool. The app is free to download and the iRig can be picked up for around £25. You can get the app FREE here.

You can get more info here
They also give us one to give away as a prize.

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Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.