Win a Boogie Board Rip eWriter and portfolio case

Win a Boogie Board Rip eWriterThe Boogie Board Rip eWriter is the perfect way to take notes during a class or at an office meeting.

You can also draw pictures, make sketch design ideas, even analyse your football teams set play strategies.

1: Create your image – The Boogie Board Rip LCD Writing Tablet is just like writing on paper only you can save and share your ideas digitally.

2: Push the Save button – You can save up to 200 ‘boards’. Once saved click the green button, erase the writing surface and start again.

3: Upload When you are ready, upload the saved PDF to your computer via USB and store, edit, manage and share your files.

We have a brilliant Boogie Board Rip eWriter and portfolio case to give away and to be in the draw just answer the following question.

*** This competition is now closed ***

Alternatively email your name and address to boogie at flushthefashion dot com
Editors decision is final. Closing date for entries is Monday 20th May 2012.

Good luck!
For winners info, and to see all our competitions and news, join our Facebook page

For more info on the Boogie Board Rip eWriter and portfolio case visit

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.