5 Essential Safety Tips Every Motorcyclist Should Follow

Riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience. The scenic views and vibrant city streets add to the experience.

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But with that thrill comes responsibility. Motorcycles are smaller and less visible than cars, and riders have less protection. This means the chances of severe injuries in a motorcycle accident are incredibly high.

If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, it’s important to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Staying safe should always be your top priority. Here are five simple but important safety tips every motorcyclist should follow.

  1.  Always Wear Protective Gear

The right gear can save your life.

Of course, the most critical piece of equipment is a durable helmet. The head is vital and should, therefore, be covered in order to prevent injury in case of a fall or crash. Without a helmet, even a minor accident could lead to serious injuries or worse. Protective gear becomes even more essential when motorcyclists have to ride in harsh weather. In fact, wearing proper protective gear can often mean the difference between walking away from an incident or taking a trip to the hospital.

Of equal importance are jackets, gloves, long pants, and boots. These will protect your skin and reduce the severity of injuries. While riding gear may not look as cool as casual clothes, it can save your life, and that is what matters the most.

  1. Check Your Motorcycle Before Every Ride

A well-maintained motorcycle is a safer motorcycle, and for that reason, regular maintenance is non-negotiable. Always check tires, brakes, lights, and mirrors before riding. 

Also, make sure that your chain is tight and your oil level is correct. Regular maintenance could prevent breakdowns but will also keep you safe on the road.

  1. Follow Traffic Rules and Ride Defensively

Sometimes, on a motorcycle, it is so tempting to think that you can cut through traffic easily. But that is against the rules. Always follow the speed limit and use turn signals each time you shift lanes or change direction.

Besides that, always assume that other drivers can’t see you. Most motorcycle accidents occur simply because car drivers fail to notice riders. Avoid blind spots, especially near larger vehicles, and keep a safe distance from the car in front of you.

  1. Avoid Riding in Bad Weather

Rain, fog, and high winds can be very hazardous. Wet roads reduce friction and make it much harder to stop or turn. Poor visibility can also reduce the ability of other drivers to see you.

If you must ride in bad weather, go slower than usual and maintain distance from other vehicles. Wear waterproof gear to stay dry. If the weather starts to get extreme, it would be safer to wait until the weather clears up. Never risk riding if the weather is too hazardous.

  1. Ride Within Your Limits

It is always safe to know your limit and your riding skills. In case you’re a new rider, for example, stick to familiar routes and avoid those that have a lot of heavy traffic until you build enough confidence.

Never try any dangerous moves or ride faster than you can handle. Overconfidence breeds accidents. Riding at your limit safely creates peace of mind.

Final Thoughts

Remember, every time you ride, your safety is in your hands. Follow these tips seriously and make them your habit. A little caution goes a long way in making your rides safe.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.

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