Summer Songs by Matthew Cooper

Some summer songs, while it lasts. (all concisely fitting to 140 characters or less.)

AlunaGeorge- Bad Idea

The now not so unfamiliar approach to this duo’s songs is not showing any signs to losing its charms any time soon.

Drake- The Motion
Not very imaginative, granted, but nice to know the fame isn’t making him any lazier. Lovely guest spot from Sampha too.

Lion Bark- Two Prongs
Believe it or not this is this band’s first ‘proper’ song. To us, it sounds far too established to be a debut. We’re impressed.

Emma McGann
If Unicorn’s could make music, it would probably sound like this.

Katy B- What Love is Made of
Essentially it’s a house track with a gigantic chorus, but it’s also the most credible ‘pop’ song you’re likely to hear for ages.

Jagwar Ma -What Love
Blissful guitar pop & dance, but without sounding like it’s twenty years old. Easy to see why drew drew such a huge Glasto crowd.

Matthew Cooper

I try to write knowledgeable things about music. Everything else I get quite annoyed about. Arsenal fan. Terrible swimmer.