If listening to Welshly Arms leaves you with the extraordinary suspicion that you just heard the soundtrack to the last few years, that’s because you did. Since 2015 the compelling Cleveland outfit have been picked up by every conceivable media. From the trailer to Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight to WWE; from TV Lucifer to videogame Asphalt 9, their alt-blues-rock has seeped soulfully into your brain. And then down your arm, and into your Spotify-loving fingers, which are tapping along with over 1.5 million fellow followers.

It’s not just a literal soundtrack, but a metaphorical one too. Their 2018 No Place Is Home studio album resonates with the drama of our times: from songs like Sanctuary telling a much-needed story of loved people as safe spaces amidst dark political news, to the cool audacity of subverting influencer culture in Legendary, which broke them into the mainstream.
When talking in metaphors, there could be no more iconic a place for Welshly Arms’ inaugural Scottish gig than Glasgow’s King Tuts. They already too heavyweight to need the fairy godmother effect that a night at Tuts can bestow, but for fans with an eye on their meteoric rise it’s a unique chance to grab a bit of that stardust, up close and personal.

Welshly Arms play live with The Glorious Sons at Glasgow’s King Tuts on Tue 5th Nov as part of their European tour.
Tickets available from https://www.ticketweb.uk/event/welshly-arms-the-glorious-king-tuts-wah-wah-hut-tickets/9567195?brand=gigsinscotland