Ahoy! Forecastle is back, or rather, Flush The Fashion is back at Forecastle!
Are you excited yet? Who’s excited?
Photo courtesy of Harry Acosta Photography
For the uninitiated, Forecastle is the one-of-a-kind summer music festival in Louisville, Kentucky that boasts impressive lineups filled with the best established big draw acts and exciting buzzed about newcomers in indie, alternative, americana, folk, country, rap, rock, pop, blues, soul, EDM, and all of their subgenres. It’s the Northernmost southern mystery inside an enigma, floating in a bottle of bourbon. Mmmm…bourbon…ahhhh.
Besides the tremendous trio of headliners on all 3 nights (Modest Mouse, Chris Stapleton, and Arcade Fire!), there are festival circuit heavyweights (T-Pain, Jason Isbell, Margo Price, Jenny Lewis, Vance Joy, The War on Drugs, Courtney Barnett), heavy-hitting middleweights (Houndmouth, HIss Golden Messenger, Ron Gallo), exciting newcomers (Oh Wonder, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Quinn XCII, Morgan Saint, Devon Gilfillian) and hometown heroes/Kentucky natives (White Reaper, Teddy Abrams, The Josephines).
It’s an embarrassment of riches once again for Forecastle festival goers.
You can’t see them all, but you can sure as hell try and you can catch the artists and acts we’re most excited to see this year at Forecastle.
Rainbow Kitten Surprise are so hot right now. They continue to grow their audience, gain followers, and sell out venues across the country with their hybrid indie alt pop funk folk soul.
Find out why, hear the future sound, and see them shake the boat from bow to stern Friday on the Mast Stage.
While we lost Charles Bradley last year, soul as a continuous presence in music still abounds. Forecastle boasts the bluesy and soulful sounds of youngblood Devon Gilfillian. Look for the Nashville transplant to turn it up and tear it up with “Here & Now” and “Troublemaker” on The Mast Stage this Friday.
The multi-talented songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Scott Carney, better known as Wax Fang continues to stun us with his idiosyncratic pop-perfect songs filled with equal helpings of guitars and synths. Find out on Friday if the Port Stage can contain Carney and co.’s sonic treats.
Margo Price is a national treasure. While her sweet voice and traditional arrangements say “old country music,” her lyrics are the most “now” a Nashville singer-songwriter has ever uttered on record. Look for the Third Man Records shining star this Saturday on the Boom Stage.
Photo courtesy of Harry Acosta Photography
It’s so easy to love an underground artist-turned pop sensation – especially one with a unique voice, interesting production, and above all else – superb songwriting. The mighty Quinn XCII will get the gathered crowd on Sunday at the Ocean Stage going with his good time jams and joints made for Summer fun – and no doubt, attract an even larger audience in the process.