D-R-U-N-K – I don't need to sleep

D-R-U-N-K is back and he’s darker than ever!


Drunk is renowned for his ability to combine pulsating electro-synths with atmospheric sounds and deep tech beats. This, together with, up-and-coming Russian producer, Marseille’s ability to produce eerie and somewhat avant-garde electronica, means that ‘I Don’t Need To Sleep‘ has all the ingredients to provide the listener with a truly unique experience.

The intro comprises an almost music box-esque plucking noise playing underneath robotized female vocals, which repeat “I don’t need to eat, I don’t need to sleep, I am not hungry, I am not ugly”. These hollow words create an instant impression that whomever is chanting is completely devoid of all emotion, rather like Michael Myers from Halloween!

Once the vocals stop, a “four to the floor” begins, which then progresses into a generic dance beat. A mid-range techno lead plays a constant stuttered riff, while the sub bass keeps the beat driving along and engages the listener with its occasional deep, plucked, syncopated notes, which signify a change in section. (Listen to the Marseille Night Remix below)

Following on from a short synth climb comes the the first ‘drop’. This section is incredibly Techno-y. The leads have been constructed perfectly, as they don’t have too much decay and I adore the use of two of the same/similar sounds which flow in and out of sync, in turn creating structured chaos. Here, time-stretching has been used with fantastic skill and precision to create a wonderful trippy vibe, which is usually created by a cacophony of instruments.

The second drop flows on smoothly from the minimal breakdown, but, nevertheless, causes the listener’s brain to rapidly convulse. To me, this fat, chopped electro synth conjures up an image of someone rolling around and spasming on the floor of a dark room, with a multicolored strobing television creating funky shapes in the background!

The clever amalgamation of synths, pads, leads, chopped vocals and minimal drums come together to make a phenomenal electro track. In fact, Techno is so prominent in parts of this electro track, I’m creating a new genre called ‘Techtro’. For a while, I thought nothing could be ravier than Die Antwoord’s “I Fink U Freaky”, but in my opinion this tops it. Imagine how fantastic this track would be if played through an incredible soundsystem at a rave in the Parisian Catacombs!

D-R-U-N-K and Marseille, I take my hat off to you and please continue to push the boundaries of underground music.

The EP is out on Police Records, for more info visit D-R-U-N-K on Facebook here
Written by Vix Russell

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.