Sponsored Post: FIFA14 Soccer Tournament

This post has been sponsored by EA

Last Tuesday I was lucky enough to be invited to the Unruly Media offices just off Brick Lane in London for an exclusive preview of the latest FIFA14 soccer video game three days before the official UK launch.

When they mentioned there would be free pizza, beer, and a knockout tournament with some fellow bloggers how could I refuse?

FIFA14 Tournament

First a very quick history lesson. Once upon a time in days of old, a fierce competition raged between the FIFA and Pro Evolution soccer titles. Comparable to the Britpop rivalries of Oasis V Blur, passionate gamers would debate the merits of both, and loyalties were firmly divided into either camp. You were one or the other (I was a Pro Evo fan personally).

In recent times things have changed, now everyone is pretty much agreed, FIFA is the best soccer game out there and my initial reaction to the new FIFA game was really positive.

In my brief hands-on experience at Unruly I got the chance to experience the new ‘realistic shooting system ‘Pure Shot’ which works really well, allowing for some cool long range dipping shots, and a ‘possession mode’ allowing a player to shield the ball from impending defenders. The new game is more evolution than revolution, the subtle tweaks and updates together with what promises to be some fierce online action should be more than enough reason to make this a essential purchase for fans of the series and new-comers alike. A more detailed review will follow soon (watch this space)

As for the tournament? Well tempted as I was to play as Norwich City I opted for Brazil and was narrowly defeated by a Liverpool team that is quite rightly top of the league right now.

FIFA14 Tournament
FIFA14 Tournament Winners

The PS Tournament was won by Vincent Beard from www.vincentbeard.wordpress.com (above), while David Martinez from www.live4liverpool.com took the Xbox title, both of them obviously went in early and practiced for hours beforehand.

Oh, just one thing, regarding the box art, did no one tell them Gareth Bale has moved to Real Madrid?

For more info visit
FIFA Website http://unr.ly/11aIXd3
EA Sports FIFA Facebook Page http://unr.ly/11aIXd5

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.

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