I don’t really watch too much TV at the moment. It’s not that I am too clever or intellectual, most of the time I am too busy to get into stuff, plus most programmes are actually really rubbish.
Over the last few weeks though I have been rather enjoying a tea-time quiz show called The Chase, it’s a bit like all the other tea-time quiz shows except it is quite good.
The objective is to win as much money as you can with your team against one of the ‘Chasers’, these are super clever people, a bit like BBC2’s Eggheads (but with attitude and better clothes) who try and catch you up on a board thing – sorry, am not describing it very well, it is nearly Xmas.
Chasers are named things like ‘The Beast’ (chubby one) or ‘The Dark Destroyer (yes, you guessed it). I like it because unlike the bearded bore-athon, Deal Or No Deal, a quiz with zero strategy (15 coin tosses) or the deathly elongated, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? (Not me, if it takes that long), The Chase moves along nice and swiftly. There is friendly banter and quite often (just life real life) nobody wins anything. This makes the times when someone does win something even more enjoyable.
It’s also hosted by Bradley Walsh who is a pretty good Quizmaster, he doesn’t patronise the ‘real people’ and isn’t scared to voice his opinion either.
Now, if you have an iPhone or iPad there is an iOS App version out for you to play at home, or on the bus.
Obviously you don’t win any real money, but it does capture the atmosphere and tension of trying to do battle against one of ‘the chasers’ really well. All the sound effects and different parts of the programme are included and like the show you can play with as many as 3 other people.
One thing I should say is after about 20 attempts, I noticed the same questions started to appear and I stopped playing it. Since then there has been an update and it hasn’t been an issue, so they have either added tons more questions, or they have fixed the original problem. Either way nice work from the developers for rectifying.
The slightly annoying thing is, just like the TV Show I haven’t actually won yet. Despite this minor irritation, The Chase App is really good fun and for fans of the show (like me) it’s a £1.49 very well spent.
The Chase app is developed by Silverball Studios and published by Barnstorm Games.
For more info and to download visit www.thechaseapp.com