The natural look – Wooden Sunglasses

Have you heard the joke about the guy who invented the worlds first wooden car? It had wooden wheels, wooden seats, a wooden exhaust and a wooden engine. The only problem was it wooden work (sorry, that’s a really bad joke).

Wooden sunglasses on the other hand are very much a reality, and over the last few years their popularity in the UK has been growing dramatically.


Many of the Fashion heavyweights now have their own ranges of wooden sunglasses, including Prada’s Raw Collection and Ray-Ban’s Club Master (above). Even brands such as Sinner, who started off manufacturing sports sunglasses have ‘branched out’ (sorry again) recently with their own funky ‘Bamboo’ eyeglasses. For me, the appeal lies in their uniqueness and as far as designer one-of-a-kind’s go, no two pairs are ever exactly the same.

One of the leading lights is Spanish manufacturer, Woody Barcelona (worn below by Cameron Diaz). I love their mission statement, it’s translated as “Wood eyewear for Nerds, Freaks, Animals, Showmen, DJ´s, Surfers and Superheroes who inspired fashion nowadays.” Their sunglasses combine stylish good looks, intricate construction and surprising durability.

I noticed there were more than a few pairs of wooden sunglasses being worn at London Fashion Week as the glitterati squeezed the last rays of Summer sun from the capitals sky.

Admitably more than a few pairs were being worn inside at the shows, but then this is the fashion world we’re talking about it. You wooden want it any other way!

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.