It seems like every major movie coming out from now until 2012 is either a remake of an old (or not so old) classic or a sequel, or part of a series. With a few choice exceptions, a lot of the flicks making the biggest buzz among the fans this year seem oddly familiar; as if we’ve seen them before somewhere…
There are, in my opinion, three categories these Déjà vu movies fall into: Looks Excellent, Might Be Ok, and Should Never Have Been Attempted. I’m going to give a brief run-through of the list so that you movie-goers will know what you will have to look forward to in the coming months.
Since I don’t want to be too depressing in part 1 (of 4), I’ll start off with the select few that I’m looking forward to myself.
Looks Excellent
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Release Date: 7/15/11 Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
“After a decade-long magical franchise, the war in the wizarding world reaches its epic climax. Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) must find and destroy Horcruxes to make the Dark Lord mortal before the final showdown at Hogwarts.”
These movies, much like the books, have gotten progressively darker and more intense. I think even people who aren’t all that big of fans would enjoy “Deathly Hallows 1 and 2” simply because it’s interesting storytelling and wildly unpredictable. But then I’m also a huge nerd who just likes Harry Potter. But giant man-eating snakes, torture and death everywhere you turn- this isn’t for the kiddies anymore.
Sherlock Holmes 2 (title unknown)
Release Date: 12/16/11 Genre: Mystery, Adventure
“Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law return as Sherlock and Watson in the sequel that picks up where the 2009 movie left off. The duo must outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty. Noomi Rapace co-stars.”
I thoroughly enjoyed the first “Sherlock Holmes” and not because I find Robert Downey Jr to be exceedingly yummy. Or not just because he is exceedingly yummy (especially in that shirtless boxing match scene) but because I liked the chemistry between him and Jude Law, the parts that were supposed to be funny made me laugh, and the fight scenes were pretty damn sweet.
I also like the notion of watching them track down the infamous Professor Moriarty- the Napoleon of Crime. (Hopefully they won’t wear shirts)
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
Release Date: 12/16/11 Genre: Action, Adventure
“Tom Cruise + Jeremy Renner + Simon Pegg and Paula Patton = the fourth installment of the lucrative Impossible series. For this episode, frequent Pixar collaborator Brad Bird (Ratatouille, The Incredibles) directs with a story by J.J. Abrams.”
Two things make this movie sound awesome to me: Brad Bird and J.J. Abrams. Those two under a “Mission: Impossible” title mean a film worth spending my $10.50 on to see on a big screen. Gadgets, fights, bombs, guns, cars- last time they had Ethan jumping off buildings and explosive devices implanted in his head.
I can’t wait to see what J.J. Abrams and Brad Bird do to him this time.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Release Date: 12/21/11 Genre: Drama, Thriller
“Rooney Mara (above) stars as Lisbeth Salander in the Hollywood adaptation of the Steig Larson novel and Swedish movie starring Noomi Rapace. Directed by David Fincher and co-starring Daniel Craig, it tells the story of a journalist who is searching for a woman who may be missing or dead. He’s assisted by a beautiful, punk computer hacker.”
I put this film in the remake category, though I’m sure there will be a ton of people who vehemently disagree with me. Supposedly this is a re-invention by David Fincher and not a remake. It’s a TOTALLY different film from the first movie adaptation of the book, which was made in Sweden in 2009 but also shown in US theatres across the country.
How do I know this? Because I went and saw it in one. It’s like Hollywood and David Fincher are counting on the fact that Americans don’t watch foreign films! Sorry to disappoint but there are still a few of us who don’t mind reading subtitles and will know when something is ripped off (I’m looking at YOU when I say that Paul Scheuring! The original “Das Experiment” did not need your more violent, extra rape-y “re-invention”)
Furthermore, the main female character is described as “a beautiful, punk computer hacker”? Yeah. In the book Lisbeth is under-developed with no breasts and a body like a 10yr old boy, close-cropped bleached blonde hair, tattoos and piercings all over, and a personality that’s so anti-social she makes Helen Keller seem like the life of the party.
But its Hollywood right? Gotta pretty her up and add some sex!
Still, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad excited to see this and would recommend it because I’m a fan of the author and as long as they tell his story it’ll still be a Kickass movie. Then if it does well we’ll have two sequels to look forward to!
Continued…..Part 2 – Movies that could be good, then again they might be crap