Tips to help you revitalise your fashion style

Many people feel more confident when they look good. However, it can be easy to fall into a habit with what you wear. You don’t need to challenge yourself to find a new look. You can get bored or even look a little boring. There are plenty of ways to avoid this though. You can revitalize your look quite easily by exploring a few different ideas. You don’t even necessarily need to buy new things; you can just mix up the combinations. Here are just a few tips for you to revitalize your style. 


Shoes are one of the most vital parts of your fashion identity and it is important you pick the right ones for you that are both comfortable and stylish. Whether you prefer an elevator shoe or a white-washed trainer the choice can be incredibly daunting if you don’t know how to begin. You should make sure that you have a range of shoes to suit as many occasions as possible. Think of casual café meetups to swanky formal meetings. 

It is worthwhile investing in shoes that can double up for multiple outfits. You should look for shoes that can be reused in more casual settings as well as the more formal ones. It can even be handy to be multiple of the same shoe but in a different color if you find a pair that you like. Once you know what kind of shoe you are looking for then you can begin testing them out. Never sacrifice your comfort for style though. You don’t want blisters after only wearing the shoes once. 


You do not need to buy an entirely new wardrobe to change up your look and bring something new to your style. You can buy accessories to update the items that get noticed the most. These are really cost-effective as with most accessories you can wear them day in and day out without too much maintenance. Adding to your old clothes can not only give the items a new lease of life but can turn a drab jumper into something much more noticeable and stylish 

Trending in the design world right now is faux leather and other not real exotic skins. They can make your outfits look higher end and bring a real sense of class to you. Also, you should keep an eye out for brass hardware on your accessories over silver or gold. It tends to look more expensive and is a little more unexpected. 

Organize your wardrobe

Taking everything out of your wardrobe and seeing what you actually own can be a real pain. However, it is a great way to rediscover some of your favorite clothes and to get rid of some things that you never wear. It can also help inspire you to see if you have ‘safe’ options when it comes to clothing. If you do, then you can start looking for something completely different and a little more out there. 

If you own clothes that have a value either sentimental or monetary value, then these may be hard to get rid of. Importantly you don’t have to, but you should always think about what you actually are wearing. People tend only to use a fraction of their selection. You should split your clothes into what you wear all the time, what you want to wear in the future, and things that you have not worn in years and those that have been worn out. Once you have done this, you will not only have extra space but perhaps some new wardrobe ideas. 

Change up your hair

Changing what you do with your hair can give you an entirely new look. Many people find themselves in the habit of doing the same thing because it is easy, and you are in a habit of doing it. However, there are plenty of options for you to change your look by doing something different. It can be as drastic as getting cut shorter or dyeing it, but these are not your only options. Try thinking about your parting and how you usually let your hair sit. Changing this can dramatically revitalize your look. 

Getting a new style

There are plenty of options out there for changing your look. You just need to be bold enough to take the chance. You could always ask a friend or a shopping assistant their opinions on your new outfit. The only way you will know, is to take the risk and go for it. 

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.