Superbloom (Milan Design Week 2022)

The great thing about Milan Design Week is that unlike the Fashion weeks (where there are pockets of excitement) Design Week is all-encompassing, enveloping the entire city with vibrancy and excitement.

There are parties and events EVERYWHERE and it’s impossible to even scratch the surface in terms of covering events. I was lucky enough to attend a few good ones this time around, including a very cool sensory-filled exhibition by Californian design agency RIOS, called Superbloom.

Consisting of three spaces the inspiration is taken from native Californian wildflowers and fauna expanded into multi-coloured installations. The colours shift from deep to bright, dappled sounds will fade into a wild field, and scents will be aromatic, woody, and fresh. There is also a very nice piece of furniture ‘Rio Benches’, designed in collaboration with Janus et Cie, unfortunately, a tropical-like downpour limits the outdoor experience somewhat, but there is even a soundtrack to the evening (listen below) pumped discreetly through some wonderful free-standing Syng speakers (see above pic).

Apparently, RIOS made their name creating a Barista friendly coffee cup designed to ergonomic perfection, so it seems fitting they are here with Superbloom in the heart of Milan.

For More info visit Superbloom.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.