Get your Baracrdi #MyFuegoface on!

Back in April I wrote all about a new BACARDÍ drink called BACARDÍ Carta Fuego. Over the glorious (if not brief) Summer the lip-smacking 40° proof red spiced Rum drink with a kick has become something of a hit.

Fuelled originally by some very cool slo-motion video footage shot at 200 frames per second that showed peoples first reactions to taking a swig of Carta Fuego, fans from all corners of the web have since been uploading pictures of their very own facial contortions after a taste of BACARDÍ Carta Fuego. Even soccer legend Ian Wright has been having a go (see above).

Have a look at the video above to see what I’m talking about and if you need more proof check out some of the contorted expressions uploaded next to the hastag #MyFuegoFace on Twitter. And when you give Carta Fuego a try, remember to get your camera ready!

Live passionately, drink responsibly, visit for the facts.

Join BACARDÍ on social:
You can follow them on Instagram @bacardiuk, on Twitter and @bacardiuk and check out the hashtag #BringTheHeat for more..

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Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.