Effortless Self-Care Habits for a Fresh New Year

Looking after yourself is usually a priority coming out of the shenanigans of the holiday period, or more accurately, the party period! With so many planned nights out, it’s easy to neglect yourself. But there are some effortless self-care habits you can get into now for a fresh start to the new year. From body, mind, and soul to enjoying life, here are some nifty suggestions.

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Try Fashionable Self-Expression

In a world where everyone has FOMO and can’t stay off social media, individuality is at risk of fading. But self-identity is critical for self-care and engaging with real-world positivity. One of the easiest ways to express yourself is through fashion and clothing. From personalised hoodies to custom tees, to the gems and metals you wear, everything about you has the potential to scream “you”! So, what are you waiting for? It’s a big world, and it’s waiting to hear you roar!

Eat Well, Live Great, Feel Amazing

Food and nutrition are among the biggest contributors to poor or bad health. When you eat well, your body responds in positive ways, actively affecting the mind in a positive way. Now is the time to think about cooking fresher and more nutritious food and reducing the amount of processed food you eat. Before February is over, you will feel, and even look, like an improved version of yourself. Forget the fad diets! All it takes is small steps to healthier food in your life.

Effortless Self-Care for the Mind

Things can become overwhelming pretty quickly going into a new year. The guilt of partying and spending too much money comes to bite you in the rear! Even with Blue Monday out of the way, just getting back into the habit of working well can elude some of us. However, your mind will benefit from simple natural defense hacks such as meditation and breathing exercises. Headspace has over 70 million users and many different programs for reducing stress.

Remember to Laugh and Love

Life is for living, and your life should never live you. Through the turbulence and uncertainty of a new year, there is always hope. Stick close to your inner circle, whether it’s colleagues at work or your friends and family at home. Remember, this is a new year, and with that comes the satisfaction of knowing it may not be as bad as the last. You have 12 months to look after yourself and transform your life. Love, laugh, and be kind to yourself before the next one comes.

Embrace Nutritional Supplements

Changing your diet is one of the hardest things to do. There is no reason to make drastic changes unless you have been advised by your doctor to do so. In fact, fad diets can be very dangerous. However, even with more fresh food and healthier options, it can be hard to get the nutrients you need. Supplements are an easy way to top-up anything missing, such as iron, vitamin D, or Omega-3, and can be a lifeline if you have absorption difficulties for nutrients.


Expressing yourself through fashion is a powerful way to positively impact your self image and an effortless self-care hack anyone can try. You can also use apps such as Headspace to begin mind-clearing meditation routines. And supplements help top-up nutrients for overall health.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.

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