Considering A New Car? Be Sure to Consider These Alternatives First

A reliable vehicle is one of the most important assets that anyone ever possesses. However, its significance is even greater in the current climate. Even as life returns to normal, private transport is the quickest, safest, and most convenient way to travel by far. So, if your car currently leaves you feeling underwhelmed, it’s about time that you changed this for the better.

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While buying a new car naturally stands out as the obvious logical solution, it’s far from the only option at your disposal. Use the following checklist to check that a more practical answer isn’t available.

Fix All Minor Faults

We often take vehicles for granted until something goes wrong. Sadly, even small faults can often lead to compromised safety, function, comfort, and efficiency. Each of those outcomes will reduce your love of the vehicle. Thankfully, restoring the car to its former glory by investing in some basic maintenance may be all that’s needed to fall back in love with the car. It is the first step that all motorists should try.

The list of jobs that can be completed to improve your vehicle is almost endless. The simple jobs include checking the tyre pressure and fluid levels. Meanwhile, checking the clutch pedal or testing the brake pads could help identify simple steps to make the vehicle feel brand new. Cosmetic updates including new paint jobs are another good option if the vehicle needs added TLC.

Even if the maintenance steps aren’t enough to stop you from needing another vehicle, they will help you get a quicker sale at a better price. So, there’s nothing to lose.

Improve Integral Parts

The above maintenance jobs can include something as simple as changing the washers or bolts in key areas. However, it’s equally commonplace for localised problems to stem from inferior car parts. Either substandard items were installed, or they have simply become outdated. Replacing or upgrading those individual parts could be the key to boosting the performance of your entire vehicle.

Perhaps the best upgrade is to get new wheels. They help influence the height of your ride while also having a huge impact on the smoothness of it, especially when paired with the right tyres. The right choice of alloys will significantly alter the aesthetic appeal too. The suspension is another major component that will cause big problems when it’s overly worn. #replacing it can make the vehicle feel brand new.

The engine and exhaust will also deserve some attention at this time. If you can get away with changing a part rather than the whole vehicle it has to make more sense.

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Upgrade The Tech Features

If the car drives well but feels outdated, a lack of tech could be the reason. Automotive accessories and infotainment facilities have evolved at a rapid rate. So, if you’re still driving a vehicle from 2013 or 2015, you will notice those shortcomings. However, replacing a vehicle you love solely due to this reason is a little counterproductive. Not least because many of the accessories can be purchased and installed to the existing car.

For parents, investing in an in-car DVD player is very wise. Bluetooth, satellite navigation, parking sensors, and assisted driving features are all good additions. Switching to an infotainment system that allows streaming rather than relying on CDs can be useful too. 

Sound systems are another feature that you may wish to consider. Do what makes the car feel tailored to you, and the difference will be felt.

New tech can get any driver excited, replicating the feelings of a new car without abandoning the drive you love. Perfect.

Rediscover The Fun Factor

Many drivers fall out of love with their vehicles and assume it’s because there is something wrong with the car itself. In many cases, though, falling into the trap of repeating the same journeys on a daily basis is the main source of disillusion. This is particularly true when you regularly get stuck in traffic on the commute to work. Learn to inject some fun back into your driving habits, and your relationship will quickly improve.

Arranging a road trip is a very good idea, not least if you missed out on vacations and short breaks in 2020 and the early parts of 2021. Meanwhile, attending a track day can be a satisfying moment that lets you embrace your passion for driving. Moreover, it can have a positive impact on the engine and exhaust as you’ll get to test the acceleration and top speeds while whizzing around the track. 

Do this on a semi-frequent basis, and the carpool to pick up your kids from school will feel less tedious too.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.