Nothing like a holiday to take your mind off the heat! Unfortunately, while heat waves come and go, meteorologists warn that the heat dome that has formed just above Europe is unlikely to disappear before the end of the summer…
In the meantime, if you’ve packed your best summer dresses and swimwear for a fantastic week by the beach, you want to be careful. Being cautious on the road and preempting some of the heat-brain summer drivers’ behaviours can save you from many troubles. Granted, you could find an experienced motor vehicle accident lawyer to swing the scale in your favour in the event of a collision. But, it would be better if you could avoid it at all! So what are the most likely causes of accidents in summer?

#1. You’re driving in an unknown place
Going abroad on holiday? Fantastic! Whether you opt for Santorini or the Norwegian fjords, it is likely to be packed with other tourists. So, stick by an important rule: if a place is popular at the time of your visit, skip car rentals and rely on other means of transportation. You are less likely to encounter other drivers who are equally unfamiliar with the road!
#2. Tyre pressure, tyre pressure, tyre pressure
Did you know that a fair amount of accidents occurring on the motorway could be prevented if you checked your car’s tyre pressure before taking the road? Indeed, you need to keep up on pressure checks, especially when the weather is hot. A long commute to your vacation spot on a busy road in the heat is likely to put a lot of pressure o your tyres (no pun intended). If they are not prepared for it, it could backfire dramatically!
#3. Too hot in the car
Does heat affect your attention? Scientists and doctors agree that it could indeed make you less responsive behind the wheel. Does it mean you can’t take the car this summer? Not necessarily. But make sure to ventilate and cool down the car before you start driving! Opening your doors and windows to renew the air could shave off a few degrees and help make the car more suitable for a long drive.
#4. Bright sun and no visibility
Sunglasses are a lot more than a fashion accessory. When the sun is high in the sky, the light quality can be unpleasant for your eyes. Not only is it harmful to your eye health, but it also dramatically affects your visibility on the road. Car paint that reflects the bright light could make it hard to see obstacles in front of you. You could find yourself colliding with the car ahead as a result!
#5. Stay hydrated
It may sound silly, but you’d be surprised to know how easy it is to get dehydrated in the middle of a heatwave. You need to drink plenty of water to refresh your body and make up for the water you lose through sweating. Dehydration can have serious consequences, such as leading to an imbalance of electrolytes. This could make you feel dizzy, confused, or even plain sick. It’s nothing you want to experience while you’re driving a car!
Are you ready to take the road and head to your summer vacation? Make sure to stay attentive and cautious on the road. Looking after your vehicle and yourself could prevent many unfortunate events!