3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstacy is an adaptation of the classic novel The Carnal Prayer Mat, and follows a young Ming Dynasty scholar named Wei Yangsheng on an eye-opening journey of sexual discovery.
Billed as ‘House of the Flying Daggers meets the Kama Sutra’, Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstacy, is a great movie to watch with your partner (actually it’s just as good on your own).
The film is directed by Christopher Sun, and stars Hong Kong actor Hiro Hayama (left) as Wei and Leni Lan (right) as Tie Yuxiang, the beautiful daughter of a Taoist priest.
In Hong Kong on its opening weekend, the film grossed more money than either Avatar or Titanic had managed previously.
Even better, we have TWO copies of the erotic costume epic to give away on DVD complete with cool retro 3D Glasses. To enter, just answer the following question…
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