Damien Jurado: Welcome to Maraqopa, Population 2

damien jurado

You may have heard of Damien Jurado from Casa Recordings, his mid 90’s cassette only Seattle based record label. At the turn of the century he released Postcards and Audio Letters on the legendary Sub Pop label, a brilliant record complied partly from old cassettes, audio letters and answering machine tapes found in junk shops and thrift stores.

The new album Maraqopa is a continuation of his work with producer Richard Swift and if it’s anything like as good as ‘Nothing is the news’ (above), then it will be something quite special.

Look out for more on Damien on Flush the Fashion.. oh and if you are in the capital he is doing a special acoustic show in London on January 23rd at Enterprise.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.