I bet that you look good on the danceflloor
Life goes by fast, one minute your at the club, one of the kids, feeling the rhythm, your body is one with the music. the girls love you, the guys want to be you.. er maybe I am exaggerating a bit…
The next thing you know you’re the embarrassing Dad waiting in the car outside the school disco listening to Sports Extra, and worrying about Gas bills while the rain runs down your windscreen.
Dance Central is God’s way of giving you another chance.
The new Xbox Kinect game drags you out of your slippers and back on to the dancefloor (in the words of the Arctic Monkeys ‘like its 1984’).
In the past I’ve dabbled with physical game participation, our Wii Fit board is still under the TV collecting dust, but Dance Central is just so easy to get into (and fun) that it will only be a matter of time before these things are give out on prescription to the terminally lazy.
About the Game
Dance Central works like all good games because of it’s ease to play and addictive nature. The idea is to replicate the dance moves performed by the ‘character’ on the screen. You can modify everything to suit including visual guides on upcoming moves, a workout mode that tells you how many calories you are burning and you can even share your freestyle moves online (I wont be doing this).
The Kinect interface works perfectly, as long as you don’t wear baggy clothes it tracks your moves without any glitches. What’s also nice is the Minority Report style interface where you ‘shoo’ one screen away and welcome another. It’s the future, but NOW!
Harmonix have set the standard for XBox Live Online Marketplaces and plan to release more new tracks to download (like Rockband), at the moment I think there are about a dozen.
My personal favs are Eric B. & Rakim – “Don’t Sweat the Technique”, Salt-N-Pepa – “Push It” and Kool & The Gang – “Jungle Boogie” all guaranteed to make you work up a sweat.
If you think you are too over the hill for it, give it a go, even I could do it.… It’s also great at kids parties, or Sunday afternoons, if you don’t have Sky Sports. My only criticism is the ‘characters’ are a tiny bit wooden compared to the Wii’s ‘Just Dance’ silhouettes, but hey, there is always room for improvement.
Here’s an idea, buy it for your kids and rehearse in private.
Next time you go to the school disco turn up early and jump on the dancefloor. That way you will be able to embarrass the s**t out of them properly!