What Are the Oklahoma Car Seat Laws

Did you know that car crashes are one of the leading causes of death for children aged 1 to 14 in Oklahoma? Oklahoma has rules about car seats that are meant to keep kids of all ages and sizes safe while they are riding in cars. It is estimated that 162,298 children were injured in traffic crashes in 2021, which is a 17% increase from 139,058 in 2020.

Along with following the rules about car seats, it’s important to stay aware of other road safety issues, such as the risks of driving while distracted. Texting & driving accident attorney Zane Cagle says that texting while driving greatly raises the likelihood of crashes, which can be very dangerous for everyone, especially young passengers. 

It’s better to seek legal assistance from a professional who can assist you in obtaining the compensation you are due if you or your child were involved in an accident. Putting both proper car seat use and careful driving at the top of your list of priorities can make a big difference in keeping your family safe on the road.

Learn these Oklahoma car seat laws to ensure your safety and the safety of everyone on the road.

Oklahoma Car Seat Laws Overview

Children aged two to four should ride in a car seat with a five-point harness until they reach the seat’s maximum height or weight limit. Once a child outgrows the forward-facing seat, they can transition to a booster seat until they’re eight years old or at least 4’9 tall. Children under 13 should always ride in the back seat of the vehicle.

Oklahoma car seat laws require that all children under the age of two be secured in a rear-facing car seat unless they weigh 40 pounds or more or are over 40 inches tall. It’s recommended to keep children rear-facing for as long as possible for their safety.

Failure to comply with these car seat laws may result in fines and penalties. 

Age and Weight Requirements

Keep your child safe by following Oklahoma’s car seat laws, which dictate specific age and weight requirements for proper restraint in vehicles.

  • Rear-Facing Car Seat: Children under the age of 2 or those weighing less than 20 pounds must be secured in this type of car seat. 
  • Forward-Facing Car Seat: Once your child outgrows the rear-facing seat, typically around 2 years old or reaching the weight limit, they can transition to a forward-facing car seat with a harness. Oklahoma law requires children to remain in a forward-facing seat until they’re at least 4 years old or weigh over 40 pounds.
  • Booster Seat: A booster seat is necessary until the child is 8 years old, over 4 feet 9 inches tall, or meets the seat belt criteria. 

Always check the manufacturer’s guidelines for the specific car seat you choose for proper fitting and usage.

Types of Car Seats

There are several types of car seats designed to accommodate children of different ages and sizes.

  • Infant Car Seats: These are rear-facing and specifically designed for newborns and younger infants. These seats provide excellent support for a baby’s head, neck, and spine in the event of a crash.
  • Convertible Car Seats: They can be used in both rear-facing and forward-facing positions, allowing them to adapt as your child grows. They’re a cost-effective option as they can be used for a longer period of time.
  • Booster Seats: These are for older children who’ve outgrown their forward-facing seats. These seats help position the seat belt correctly over the stronger parts of a child’s body.

Installation Guidelines

Properly securing your child’s car seat is crucial for their safety while traveling in a vehicle. When installing a car seat in Oklahoma, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Start by placing the car seat in the back seat of your vehicle—it’s the safest spot. Make sure the car seat is tightly secured to the car’s seat and doesn’t move more than an inch in any direction.

For infants, the car seat should be installed in a rear-facing position. Once your child outgrows the infant seat, you can transition to a convertible or all-in-one car seat that can be used both rear-facing and forward-facing. Remember to adjust the harness straps to fit snugly against your child’s body—there should be no slack.

Always double-check the car seat installation by giving it a firm tug after securing it. If you’re unsure about the installation, many local fire stations or police departments offer car seat inspection services to keep your child’s safety on the road.

Additional Safety Tips

To increase your child’s safety while traveling in a vehicle, think about putting this extra safety advice into practice:

  1. Make sure your child always rides in the back seat. The back seat is generally the safest place for children under the age of 13.
  2. Avoid dressing your child in bulky clothing while they’re in the car seat, as this can affect the proper fit of the harness. 
  3. Double-check that the car seat harness is snug and secure every time you buckle your child in. 
  4. Remember to remove any bulky jackets or blankets before buckling them up.
  5. Never leave your child unattended in the car, even for a short period of time. The temperature inside a car can rise rapidly, posing a serious risk of heatstroke or suffocation.
  6. Be a role model for your child by always wearing your seatbelt. This sets a good example and shows the importance of vehicle safety. 


If you’re driving with children in Oklahoma, make sure to follow the state’s car seat laws to keep them safe. Remember to check the age and weight requirements, use the appropriate type of car seat, and install it correctly. And always buckle up your little ones before hitting the road.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.